Young castrated male goats (n = 8) were used to investigate the effect of long-term treatment with recombinant methionyl bovine somatotropin in a sustained release vehicle (bST; 100 mg at seven-day intervals in a 147-day experiment) and chronic culture (24 h) of omental adipose tissue in the presence of various hormones on lipogenic responses to catecholamines during acute incubation (2 h) in a sodium acetate supplemented glucose-free buffer. The rate of fatty acid synthesis in freshly-prepared adipose explants was low and did not differ from those cultured in the absence of hormones for 24 h. Hormonal combination of insulin (17 nmol.l-1) plus cortisol (138 nmol.l-1) or insulin plus recombinant enterokinase linker bST (4.5 nmol.l-1) increased lipogenesis (P<0.05). Further addition of bST or cortisol decreased lipogenesis significantly (P<0.05) in the controls but not significantly in bST-treated animals. Cultured explants from either control or bST-treated animals showed significant inhibition of lipogenesis by both norepinephrine (10 m mol.l-1) and isoprenaline (10 m mol.l-1). BST treatment in vivo did not increase the responsiveness of cultured explants to norepinephrine in vitro, however, the responsiveness to isoprenaline(inhibition of lipogenesis) was greater in bST-treated animals than in the controls., J. Škarda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a zoonotic disease caused by the tapeworms of the Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato complex, which have worldwide distribution. No data on the circulation of genotypes of the E. granulosus complex in intermediate hosts in endemic areas in Calabria are available. The aims of our study were to evaluate the dispersal of genotypes of the E. granulosus complex in Calabria and to characterise parasite isolates by Sanger sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. We collected 71 animal samples from pigs, wild boars, sheep, cattle and goats. The first PCR screening analysis targeted three partial genomic regions: the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), calreticulin protein (cal) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1); this identified 28 parasitic cysts. Bidirectional sequencing of cox1 amplicons and phylogenetic analysis allowed us to characterise all isolates. Molecular analyses of 28 newly generated cox1 sequences revealed that most wild boars (n = 16) and three pigs were parasitised by the larval stage of Taenia hydatidena Pallas, 1766, called cysticercus tenuicollis. Two isolates from wild boars were identified as Echinococcus canadensis Webster and Cameron, 1961 (G7), while five sheep and two goats were infected with E. granulosus G1 (sheep strain) and G1 microvariant (previously reported as G2 genotype or Tasmanian sheep strain), respectively. These molecular findings should prompt further and more extensive studies, to elucidate regional transmission patterns and to guide control programs., Grazia Pavia, Federica De Gori, Lucia Ciambrone, Natalino De Gori, Rosanna Musarella and Francesco Casalinuovo., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Perinatal (1-2 days of age) and one-month-old (24-32 days of age) male goats were used to investigate the effect of age and long-term culture (24 h) of perirenal and omental adipose explants in the presence of insulin, cortisol and bovine somatotropin (alone or in different combinations) on net glucose-stimulated lipogenesis (NGSL, i.e. the rate of lipogenesis in the presence of glucose minus the rate of lipogenesis in the absence of glucose) in the absence and in the presence of catecholamines in acute incubations (2 h). Mean values of NGSL in both freshly prepared and cultured explants were consistently lower in perinatal than in one-month-old goats. Cortisol alone decreased and combinations of insulin plus cortisol increased NGSL in perirenal explants of one-month-old animals. When perirenal explants from these one-month-old goats were cultured in the presence of insulin plus cortisol plus bovine somatotropin, the rates of lipogenesis were lower than those in cultures with insulin plus cortisol. No such effects of these hormones were noted in omental explants of both perinatal and one-month-old animals. In freshly prepared perirenal and omental explants, the rates of NGSL were inhibited by isoprenaline in tissues of both groups of animals and by noradrenaline in omental tissues of animals of the older group only. The mean values of NGSL in cultured explants of perinatal animals were not affected by noradrenaline. Isoprenaline inhibited NGSL in omental but not in perirenal tissue. In older animals the rates of NGSL were decreased by both noradrenaline and isoprenaline in perirenal and omental adipose tissues. Isoprenaline was more effective than noradrenaline in perirenal adipose tissue., J. Škarda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kosterní pozůstatky zvířat z archeologických výzkumů středověkých lokalit tvoří soubory kostí a fragmentů. Na archeo-oste - - ologickém pracovišti Ústav anatomie, histologie a embryologie Fakulty veterinárního lékařství Veterinární a farmaceutické univerzity Brno jsou tyto soubory hodnoceny a výsledky porovnávány s dostupnými literárními prameny. Ve spolupráci s archeology jsou výsledky uváděny do souvislosti s ostatními nálezy. Naše práce se zaměřuje na hodnocení kostí a fragmentů, které tvoří kuchyňský odpad, tedy kosti se stopami kulinárního opracování. Pro jejich úspěšné určení je mnohdy významný i nález canalis nutricius na fragmentech diafýz dlouhých kostí. Rozdělení kostí dle „kvality“ masa na kategorie A, B a C umožnilo prokázat rozdíl ve složení masité stravy na panských sídlech a vesnick - ých usedlostech či v podhradí. Největší podíl v souborech tvoří často kosti skotu (až 56 %). Chov tohoto druhu byl oblíben nejen pro maso, ale i další možnosti využití. Naopak kosti malých přežvýkavců (ovce a kozy) byly v souborech zastoupeny maximálně do 17 % z důvodu omezené užitkovosti těchto zvířat. Rovněž kosti prasat tvořily menší podíl, zpravidla ne více než 10–30 %. Spotřeba vepřového masa odpovídá způsobu středověkého chovu prasat, zvířat s jednostranným využitím. Koňské kosti se stopami kuchyňského opracování tvořily jen malý podíl (nejčastěji do 4 %). Jen výjimečně byl jejich počet vyšší a to v souvislosti se specifickou situací ve studované lokalitě. Dělení kostí (nejčastěji sekáním) ukazuje na způsob řeznického a kuchyňského zpracování masa poražených zvířat. Všechny tyto výsledky jsou důležitým zdrojem informací o masité složce stravy středověké populace v různých sociálních prostředích, Animal skeletal remains from archaeological research of medieval localities create collections of bones and fragments. These col - lections are evaluated in archaeo-osteological detachment of Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno. Results are compared with accessible literary sources and in cooperation with archaeologists are correlated to other findings. This paper is focused on bones and fragments which create the kitchen waste. Successful determination can be notably sup - ported by finding of canalis nutricius on diaphysis of long bones. By the help of dividing bones into categories (A, B, C) according to “worth” of meat was facilitated documentation of differences in consum - mation of meat in aristocratic seats and rustic houses. The highest share was very often formed by cattle bones (up to 56 %). Breeding of this animal species was favourite not only for its meat but also for other possibilities of utilization. On contrary bones of small ruminants (sheep and goat) were presented only in smaller amount (up to 17 %) on the ground of their limited utility. Also participation of pig bones was lower (not more than 10–30 %). This rate of usage of pork meat is in accordance with the level of medieval breeding of pigs – animals with one-side usage. Only small parts of findings (up to 4 %) were formed by horse bones with trace of culinary processing. Higher number was very rare and always related to specific situation in the locality under study. Cutting of bones (mostly by chopping) shows the way of slaughter and culinary processing of meat. All these results are considered to be an important source of information about meaty component of food of medieval population in various social rank., Václav Páral, Martin Pyszko, and Literatura
The decapeptide QLNLKEYNLV corresponding to the C-terminus of Gq/G11alpha guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins) was synthesized by the solid-phase method and conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The rabbits were immunized with these conjugates and an antiserum that reacted specifically with the alpha subunit of Gq/G11 proteins was used in this study. The antiserum exhibited no cross-reactivity with the alpha subunits of stimulatory (Gs) or inhibitory (Gi) G-proteins associated with adenylate cyclase. Immunoblots with the antiserum showed that it specifically recognized the Gq/G11 alpha-proteins in cholate extracts of adipose tissue membranes of goats. Treatment of young castrated male goats with bST had no effect on the quantity of Gq/G11 alpha-subunits in adipose tissue and the results thus obtained did not support the idea that the bST signal in adipose tissue is transmitted via Gq/G11 alpha-proteins., V. Krbeček, H. Kovářů, J. Škarda, T. Barth, J. Velek, V. Žižkovský., and Obsahuje bibliografii