Úvod: Autoři představují v České republice unikátní program zaměřený na extrémy v kýlní problematice. Od roku 2012 jsou v centru s velkým obratem kýlních pacientů a velmi rozvinutou peroperační péčí koncentrováni pacienti s velkou komplexní (monstrózní) kýlou. Autoři prezentují zkušenosti ze svého centra podpořené argumenty odborné světové literatury. Výsledky: V letech 2012−2015 jsme odoperovali 36 pacientů s velkou komplexní kýlou. Nepodkročitelným kritériem pro zařazení do hodnoceného velmi heterogenního souboru byla šíře defektu nad 15 cm, ztráta domovského práva (loss of domain) 20 % a vyšší a plocha defektu (mean surface area) minimálně 225 cm?. Pro řešení velkých komplexních kýl je nutné obsáhnout řadu pokročilých technik nejen rekonstrukce břišní stěny. Otevřená komponent separace, endoskopická komponent separace, bariatrické výkony, panniculectomie, abdominoplastiky, kožní laloky, kožní štěpy, předoperační progresivní pneumoperitoneum, CT volumetrie, individuálně řešené kýlní pásy, jeřáb a mnohé další (viz dále) by měly být standardní výbavou specializovaného kýlního centra. Anatomie, funkce a estetika by měly být neoddělitelné součásti předoperačního plánování. Kromě samotné operace jsou zde další tři nejdůležitější aspekty v peroperační péči o pacienta s monsterkýlou: tailoring (terapie na míru), preconditioning (optimalizace kondice a osvěžování), komplexní následná péče. Podtlaková terapie (NPWT) musí být na pracovišti jednoduše dostupná pro případ těžké ranné infekce/nekrózy po rozsáhlé rekonstrukci břišní stěny za pomoci síťky. Při použití NPWT jsme zachránili 100 % infikovaných sítěk před jejich operačním odstraněním (i v přítomnosti MRSA, ESBL, Pseudomonas...). Závěr: Program monstrózních kýl je velmi náročný pro pacienta i chirurga. Program je náročný organizačně, časově, často i finančně, s očekávaným větším počtem komplikací (velká morbidita a časté recidivy) a je designován pro pacienty s výrazným zdravotním, sociálním, pracovním, sexuálním a sportovním hendikepem a zároveň velkým rizikem dalších těžkých nebo nezvratných zdravotních komplikací., Introduction: The authors introduce a unique programme in the Czech Republic focused on extreme herniology. Patients with giant complex ventral hernias (monster hernias) have been concentrated in a high-volume hernia center with the most advanced perioperative intensive care since 2012. The authors present their single centre experience with the support of literature. Results: Between 2012−2015 we operated on 36 patients with a giant complex hernia. Minimal inclusion criteria for enrolment in the very heterogeneous group included: a defect over 15 cm wide, loss of domain of 20% and higher, and the mean surface area of at least 225 cm?.We consider not only advanced abdominal wall reconstruction techniques to be essential in the treatment of giant complex ventral hernias. Open component separation, endoscopic component separation technique, bariatric procedures, panniculectomy, abdominoplasty, advancement flaps, skin grafting, preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum, CT volumetry, individual binders tailoring, crane pulley and many others (see the text) should all be included in the armamentarium of such specialized, high-volume hernia centres. The anatomy, function and aesthetics should be inseparable parts of preoperative planning. Apart from the operation there are three major aspects in the treatment of the so called monster hernias: tailoring, preconditioning and complex postoperative care. NPWT (negative pressure wound therapy) should be easily accessible in case of extensive skin necrosis with mesh infection after major abdominal hernia repairs. Using negative pressure we have saved 100% of infected prostheses from explantation (including MRSA, ESBL..). Conclusion: Monster hernia programme is challenging for both the patient and the surgeon. It is costly, time consuming, associated with a high complication ratio (high morbidity and recurrence) and is designed for patients with a significant health, social, work, sexual and sports handicap, and with the risk of further severe or irreversible health problems., and J. Škach, R. Harcubová, V. Petráková, L. Brzulová, M. Krejbichová, K. Kocmanová
Smoking is the most widespread substance dependence in the world. Nicotine and some other components of the cigarette smoke cause various endocrine imbalances, and have negative effects on pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, testicular and ovarian functions. Here, we examined studies that describe the influence of smoking and smoking cessation on the male and female reproductive systems. We also focused on studies providing an account of differences in cessation success rates between men and women. In men, the most common effects associated with smoking are erectile dysfunction and decreasing spermiogram quality. Several groups have studied the effects of cigarette smoking on testosterone levels in men. However, the results have been conflicting. In women, nicotine has an antiestrogen effect and increases the ratio of androgens to estrogens throughout life. Beside nicotine, other cigarette toxins also cause dysregulation of reproductive and hormonal system, and essentially influence the probability of a successful pregnancy not only in cases of assisted reproduction but also in healthy women. Tobacco addiction is one of the forms of addiction that are generally thought to be different for men and for women. Women are less successful than men in quitting smoking, and nicotine replacement therapy is less effective in female smokers. We also summarize recent studies that have indicated possible reasons., H. Jandíková, M. Dušková, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Nitric oxide belongs to the most important factors influencing structural and functional properties of vessel wall. Both genetic and environmental factors may influence its metabolism. The aim of this study was to explore whether two common polymorphisms of endothelial nitric synthase (eNOS) may, jointly with smoking, influence the stiffness of large arteries, quantified as pulse wave velocity (PWV). One hundred ninety four subjects free of manifest atherosclerotic disease or chronic pharmacotherapy were selected from population-based postMONICA study. PWV´s were measured using Sphygmocor® device between carotic and femoral arteries (aortic PWV) and between femoral and tibialis-posterior arteries (peripheral PWV). Two common polymorphisms, T786C and G894T, were assessed. Among current smokers, homo- or heterozygous carriers of T786C mutation showed significantly higher peripheral PWV than normal genotype carriers (14.0 vs 10.7 m/s, p<0.002); the same was true for the carriers of G894T mutation (13.9 vs 11.0 m/s, p<0.015). No differences were found in non-smokers, and neither of the eNOS polymorphisms influenced aortic PWV in our setting. In conclusion, genetically determined disorder of nitric oxide metabolism was associated with increased stiffness of peripheral, muscular-type arteries in generally healthy, untreated subjects, but only in the interaction with current smoking., O. Mayer jr. ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
BACKGROUND: The presence of several risk factors (genetic and non-genetic) has greater impact on the risk of premature coronary artery disease (CAD) than single risk factor. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to establish possible relations between genotypes and alleles of 677C>T polymorphism of MTHFR gene and some traditional risk factors e.g. elevated levels of lipid parameters and smoking in development of premature CAD. METHODS: The groups comprised 152 patients with angiographically documented premature CAD (aged 42.9 +/- 5.5) and 121 age-matched blood donors (aged 42.3 +/- 6.5) were studied. The MTHFR 677C>T polymorphism was genotyped with Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. RESULTS: Patients with TT genotype who simultaneously smoked had increased risk of premature CAD compared to non-smoking cases with CC genotype (OR = 24.62). We also found that individuals with TT genotype and elevated LDL-cholesterol (LDL-chol.) level had significantly higher risk of CAD (OR = 9.92) than individuals with normal LDL-chol. level and CC genotype. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that simultaneous presence of MTHFR TT genotype and smoking or elevated levels of LDL-chol. influences the risk of premature CAD. This findings give interesting contribution to gene-environment interaction problem that may have clinical implications in the future. and B. Sarecka-Hujar, I. Zak, J. Krauze
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in most populations. As the traditional modifiable risk factors (smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity) were defined decades ago, we decided to analyze recent data in patients who survived acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The Czech part of the study included data from 999 males, and compared them with the post-MONICA study (1,259 males, representing general population). The Lithuanian study included 479 male patients and 456 age-matched controls. The Kazakhstan part included 232 patients and 413 controls. In two countries, the most robust ACS risk factor was smoking (OR 3.85 in the Czech study and 5.76 in the Lithuanian study), followed by diabetes (OR 2.26 and 2.07) and hypertension (moderate risk elevation with OR 1.43 and 1.49). These factors did not influence the ACS risk in Kazakhstan. BMI had no significant effect on ACS and plasma cholesterol was surprisingly significantly lower (P<0.001) in patients than in controls in all countries (4.80 ±1.11 vs. 5.76 ±1.06 mmol /l in Czechs; 5.32 ±1.32 vs. 5.71 ±1.08 mmol /l in Lithuanians; 4.88 ±1.05 vs. 5.38±1.13 mmol /l in Kazakhs/Russians). Results from our study indicate substantial heterogeneity regarding major CVD risk factors in different populations with the exception of plasma total cholesterol which was inversely associated with ACS risk in all involved groups. These data reflect ethnical and geographical differences as well as changing pattern of cardiovascular risk profiles., J. A. Hubacek, V. Stanek, M. Gebauerova, V. Adamkova, V. Lesauskaite, D. Zaliaduonyte-Peksiene, A. Tamosiunas, A. Supiyev, A. Kossumov, A. Zhumadilova, J. Pitha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V práci sme sa zamerali na analýzu pôrodnej hmotnosti a pôrodnej dĺžky novorodenca v závislosti od stravovacích návykov matky počas gravidity. Sledovali sme aj vybrané rizikové faktory životného štýlu matiek, ktoré môžu mať negatívny vplyv na ich zdravie, aj na vývoj plodu (dennú konzumáciu alkoholu a sladených nealkoholických nápojov, prevalenciu fajčenia a alternatívneho stravovania). Z potravín s vysokým ochranným potenciálom sme sa zamerali na dennú konzumáciu ovocia a zeleniny. Zber údajov sme rozdelili do dvoch fáz. V prvej fáze sme zbierali dotazníky v čakárňach v gynekologických ambulanciách, ktoré vypĺňali tehotné respondentky (n=164). V druhej fáze sme sa s respondentkami opätovne telefonicky skontaktovali a pýtali sme sa na pôrodnú hmotnosť a dĺžku ich novorodenca (n=126). Zistili sme významnú negatívnu asociáciu prírastku hmotnosti a BMI pred tehotenstvom. V III. trimestri tehotenstva mali respondentky najvyšší príjem energie (10,6±1,8 MJ), bielkovín (66,8±14,9 g), sacharidov (412,8±106,3 g) aj tukov (67,3±15,8 g). Znížený príjem tukov a sacharidov v tehotenstve bol asociovaný s nižšou pôrodnou hmotnosťou novorodenca (p<0,05). Pri zvýšení celkového príjmu energie o 1 000 kJ/deň vzrastá priemerná pôrodná hmotnosť novorodenca o 29 až 107 g. Zistili sme aj nedostatočnú konzumáciu ovocia a zeleniny, nadmernú konzumáciu sladených nealkoholických nápojov, konzumáciu alkoholických nápojov. Prevalencia fajčenia sa počas gravidity znížila z 11,6 % na 5,5 %. Výsledky plánujeme využiť v programoch a projektoch zameraných na znižovanie výskytu rizikových faktorov u žien ešte pred tehotenstvom, ktoré budú zamerané na intervenciu zdravej výživy a odvykania od fajčenia., We focussed on the analysis of the birth weight and birth length of newborns depending on the mothers' eating habits during pregnancy was done. The selected maternal lifestyle risk factors with the possible negative impact on their health and on fetus development were assessed (daily alcohol and/or sugary soft drinks consumption, smoking and alternative nutrition prevalence). We have focussed on food groups with a high protection potential, too: the daily fruit and vegetables consumption. Questionnaire collection was realized in two phases. The first phase was aimed at questionnaire data collection in the gynecological out-patiennt departments. The questionnaires was filled in by the pregnant women (n=164). In the second phase all women after giving birth were contacted by phone again and asked for birth weight and birth length of their newborn babies (n=126). A significant negative association of weight gain and BMI before pregnancy was found. In the course of the third trimester pregnant women had the highest energy (10.6±1.8 MJ), protein (66.8±14.9 g), carbohydrates (412.8±106.3 g), and fat (67.3±15.8 g) intake. A reduced fats and/or carbohydrates intake in pregnancy was associated with lower newborn birth weight (p<0.05). With an increased energy intake of 1,000 kJ/day the average newborn weight increased by 29–107 g. An insufficient fruit and vegetables consumption, non-alcoholic sugary beverages overconsumption and alcoholic beverages consumption were found. Smoking prevalence during pregnancy decreased from 11.6% to 5.5%. We are going to apply the results of this study in projects and programs aimed at the prevalence of risk factors in women before pregnancy, which will be focused on healthier eating intervention and smoking cessation., Martin Samohýl, Roman Rams, Katarína Hirošová, Diana Vondrová, Daniela Krajčová, Alexandra Filová, Jana Jurkovičová, and Literatura
Úvod: Nízkomolekulární inhibitory tyrozinkináz receptoru pro epidermální růstový faktor (EGFR) představují moderní, účinné preparáty užívané k léčbě pacientů s pokročilým nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (NSCLC). Aktivační mutace genu EGFR predikují dobrý efekt léčby EGFR tyrozinkinázovými inhibitory. Cílem této studie bylo zmapování výskytu mutací genu EGFR u pacientů s NSCLC v České republice. Metodika: Celkem 486 pacientů s pokročilým stadiem NSCLC (stadium IIIB a IV) neskvamózního histologického typu bylo vyšetřeno na přítomnost mutace genu EGFR na třech pneumoonkologických pracovištích. Porovnání zastoupení EGFR mutace dle pohlaví, věku a kouření bylo provedeno pomocí Fisherova-exaktního testu. Výsledky: Mutace genu EGFR byla prokázána u 74 (15,2 %) pacientů. Mutace byly prokázány u 25 (8,8 %) mužů vs. u 49 (24,3 %) žen (p < 0,001), u 12 (6,7 %) kuřáků vs. u 20 (11,2 %) exkuřáků vs. u 38 (37,3 %) nekuřáků (p < 0,001) a u 32 (15,7 %) pacientů do 65 let věku vs. u 42 (14,9 %) pacientů nad 65 let věku (p = 0,898). Závěr: Mutace genu EGFR byly prokázány u 15,2 % vyšetřených pacientů, nejčastěji u žen a nekuřáků. Dosažené výsledky jsou dobře srovnatelné s doposud publikovanými daty., Introduction: Low-molecular-weight tyrosine kinase inhibitors for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are modern, effective agents used to treat patients with advanced non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Activating EGFR gene mutations predict a good effect of treatment with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The goal of this study was to map the occurrence of EGFR gene mutations in patients with NSCLC in the Czech Republic. Methods: A total of 486 patients with advanced stage of NSCLC (stage IIIB and IV) of nonsquamous histological type were investigated for the presence of EGFR gene mutations at three pneumo-oncology centres. A comparison of distribution of the EGFR mutation according to sex, age, and smoking status was performed by means of Fisher's exact test. Results: EGFR gene mutation was demonstrated in 74 (15.2%) patients. Mutations were shown in 25 (8.8%) men vs. 49 (24.3%) women (p < 0.001), in 12 (6.7%) smokers vs. 20 (11.2%) ex-smokers vs. 38 (37.3%) non-smokers (p < 0.001), and in 32 (15.7%) patients under 65 years of age vs. 42 (14.9%) patients over 65 years of age (p = 0.898). Conclusion: EGFR gene mutations were shown in 15.2% of the patients examined, most commonly in female patients and non-smokers. The results obtained are well comparable with the data published to date., Ondřej Fiala, Monika Šatánková, Juraj Kultan, Miloš Pešek, Jana Skřičková, Vítězslav Kolek, Jindřich Fínek, Zuzana Zbožínková, Zbyněk Bortlíček, and Literatura