A control system architecture design for an underwater ROV, primarily Class I - Pure Observation underwater ROV is presented in this paper. A non-linear plant model was designed using SolidWorks 3D modeling tool and is imported to MATLAB as a 3D model. The non-linear modeled plant is linearized using the MATLAB linear analysis toolbox to have a linear approximate model of the system. The authors designed controllers for the linear plant model of underwater ROV. PID controllers are utilized as a controller of the modeled plant. The PID tuning tools by MATLAB are utilized to tune the controller of the plant model of underwater ROV. The researchers test the control design of underwater ROV using MATLAB Simulink by analyzing the response of the system and troubleshoot the control design to achieve the objective parameters for the control design of underwater ROV.
The basic requirement for flat grinding synthetic monocrystals is uniform wear of the grinding tool. This article deals with the case where the grinding process is carried out by relative motion between the front faces of rotating wheels with parallel axes. The dop is attached by the end of the pendulous arm, whose movement is controlled by a cam. Kinematic relations have been drawn for the relative motion of the dop points in reference to the abrasive wheel. Number of times which selected points on the dop passed over areas of the square grid were computed. The density of trajectory passes depends on four factors: the speed of both wheels, the number of arm operating cycles, the angle of the arm swings and the cam shape. The uniformity the density of passes is one of the criteria for setting the grinding machine. and Základním požadavkem při broušení rovinných ploch syntetických monokrystalů je rovnoměrné opotřebení brousicího nástroje. Předložený článek se zabývá případem, kdy je proces broušení realizován relativním pohybem mezi čelními stěnami rotujících kotoučů s rovnoběžnými osami. Tmelka je uložena na konci kývajícího ramene, jehož pohyb je řízen vačkou. Byly sestaveny kinematické vztahy pro relativní pohyb bodu tmelky vůči brusnému kotouči. Byl sledován počet průchodů vybraných bodů tmelky sítí čtvercových kontrolních ploch na brusném kotouči. Hustota průchodů trajektorií je závislá na otáčkách obou kotoučů, počtu kmitů ramene, jeho úhlu výkyvu a tvaru vačky; rovnoměrnost rozložení hustoty průchodů je jedním z kriterií pro nastavení brousicího stroje.
The radial velocities of star forming regions and young open star clusters from our galaxy are investigated statistically. We use the cubic, plane approximation of a general veloclty fleld and conclude that with all objects from our sample, which reside withln 10 kpc from the Sun, the veloclty field is close to clrcular. However, the young objects from the local spiral arm deviate. This deviatlon is dlfferent from that caused by the llnear denslty wave or by the collislonless expansion from a small region. We propose that the velocities of young local objects may be Interpreted as a consequence of a large scale multl-supernova remnant.