Šumava lakes have been recovering over the last 30 years from acidification caused by high atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen. Regeneration was manifested by decreasing acidity and increasing biodiversity (except for fish). It was temporarily interrupted by Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) infestation in lake catchments. Spruce defoliation and changes in light and humidity conditions caused enhanced mineralization of soil humus layer resulting in nitrate leaching and also partial acidification (only temporary, within a few decades the lakes will profit from the release of nitrogen from the ecosystem). and Jakub Hruška a kol.
While including gradual long-term flooding of individual residual mining pits, the re-vitalization program of the Podkrušnohorská brown-coal basin area has to assure - beside general water quality standards - satisfactory stability level of future lake banks and their wider environment as required for safe usage of future water lakes. General assessment of factors and conditions influencing bank and/or slope stability of future lakes was realized within the frames of the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences grant project. The grant project solutions include a study of exogenous processes on localities where the mining has been terminated. Also, prognoses were developed on behaviour of future banks during flooding and subsequent operation of future lakes. The presented paper is focused on assessment of mayor factors that participate on initiation and intensity of the bank abrasion and sliding deformations., Tamara Spanilá, Zdeněk Kudrna, Vladislav John, Filip Hartvich and Vladimír Chour., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Vědecké odmítnutí mytické minulosti? Prehistorické jezerní lokality - švýcarské místo paměti. and The scientific negation of an archaeological myth? Prehistoric lake dwellings as a site of memory for the Swiss nation.
Knížka nabízí pestrou mozaiku informací o historii i současnosti významné lokality v CHKO Šumava (nedaleko Železné Rudy). Přibližuje vznik ledovcových jezer, proměny zdejší přírodní rezervace, její flóru a faunu. V knížce najdou čtenáři i stručné portréty osobností, které se věnovaly výzkumu a ochraně obou jezer, nebo poutavé kapitoly a zajímavosti z novodobé historie regionu (pašeráci, strážci hranic, záhada tajemných beden vyzvednutých ze dna Černého jezera v roce 1964 a mnoho dalšího). Text je doplněn výběrem atraktivního obrazového materiálu (soudobé snímky i historické fotografie).