Based on ISSP 2012 Family and Health, this paper focuses on informal caregiving for elderly, sick or disabled family members in the Czech Republic. Specifically, it investigates the socio-demographic characteristics of family caregivers. The findings show that the carers are more likely to be female of a productive age; and thus they often have to combine childcare, care for other family member and employment. Findings from this study also demonstrate that in case of women partnership status also influences care involvement. However, socioeconomic status measured by education does not have an effect on the provision of informal care because the institutional context in which private formal care is not widespread., Jana Klímová Chaloupková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Based on ISSP 2012 Family and Health, this paper focuses on informal caregiving for elderly, sick or disabled family members in the Czech Republic. Specifically, it investigates the socio-demographic characteristics of family caregivers. The findings show that the carers are more likely to be female of a productive age; and thus they often have to combine childcare, care for other family member and employment. Findings from this study also demonstrate that in case of women partnership status also influences care involvement. However, socioeconomic status measured by education does not have an effect on the provision of informal care because the institutional context in which private formal care is not widespread.
The aim was search for and analyze published researchs dealing with self-efficacy and care burden in informal caregivers and to assess whether there is a relationship between self-efficacy and care burden. The source of the obtained data were licensed and freely available electronic databases. Based on the set criteria, 13 foreign studies published in the period 2010–2020 were included in the detailed analysis and subsequent processing. The results of the found studies have shown that lower self-efficacy is associated with higher care burden, increased stress, and a higher incidence of depressive syndrome in the informal caregivers. On the other hand high self-efficacy is related to the well-being of caregivers and the quality of life of patients. Self-efficacy appears to be an important phenomenon in influencing the care burden and therefore it is necessary to support caregivers to increase their self-efficacy. Appropriately chosen training and education can increase self-efficacy in various areas of care. and Cílem bylo vyhledat a analyzovat publikované výzkumy zabývající se self-efficacy a pečova-telskou zátěží u neformálních pečovatelů a po-soudit, zda existuje vztah mezi self-efficacy a pečovatelskou zátěží. Zdrojem získaných dat byly licencované a volně dostupné elektronické databáze. Na základě stanovených kritérií bylo do podrobné analýzy a následného zpracování zařazeno 13 zahraničních studií publikovaných v období 2010–2020. Výsledky vyhledaných studií poukazují, že nižší self-efficacy souvi-sí s vyšší pečovatelskou zátěží, se zvýšeným stresem a s vyšším výskytem depresivního syndromu u neformálního pečovatele. Vysoké self-efficacy naopak souvisí s pocitem pohody pečovatele a zlepšením kvality života pacienta. Self-efficacy se jeví jako významný fenomén v rámci ovlivňování pečovatelské zátěže, a pro-to je nutné podporovat pečovatele ve zvyšování jejich self-efficacy. Zvýšit self-efficacy v růz-ných oblastech péče mohou vhodně zvolená školení a edukace.