This article deals with determining the size of linear wear of acetabulum of total hip endoprosthesis by experimental modelling. The creation of an experimental sample and the equipment to simulate human walking are described in detail. The greatest attention is paid to the method form determining the topography of polyethylene cup and measuring of the loss of polyethylene during the simulation of walking. Holographic interferometry was selected to determine the loss of polyethylene cup on the basis of extensive analysis. Further parts of the article focus on first experience with the application of this method results and other possibilities. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This article is dedicated to shape measurement of both optical and other surfaces by digital holographic interferometry. The experimental setup was designed and modified as the current requirements for different measurements changed. Different objects were used for determining the parameters and possibilities for every single method. Overall, two methods were used. The frequency sweeping digital holography (FSDH) had shown better results. and Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou měření tvaru optických a jiných ploch pomocí digitální holografické metody. Bylo navrženo experimentální uspořádání pro měření, které bylo následně upravováno dle aktuální potřeby měření. Pro experimenty bylo použito více objektů, jejichž pomocí byly otestovány parametry jednotlivých metod. Byly použity dvě metody, z nichž lepší výsledky vykazovala skenovací holografická interferometrie.