Tento článek přináší pohled na diverzitu herpetofauny na ostrově Borneo. Autor pobýval tři týdny na výzkumné stanici Brunejské univerzity a během denních a nočních odchytů zaznamenával obojživelníky a plazy v nížinném smíšeném dvojkřídláčovém pralese. Článek se zaměřuje na zajímavé a významné druhy herpetofauny, a tak není jen výčtem druhů tropického lesa., This paper presents species diversity of amphibians and reptiles from lowland mixed dipterocarp rainforest in the Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei Darussalam in Borneo. A three-week herpetological survey at Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre is described, and several endangered and ecologically important species are mentioned., and Zdeněk Mačát.
Ruavermis mikebargeri gen. et sp. n. infects the yellow-headed temple turtles Heosemys annandalii (Boulenger et Robinson) in the Mekong River Basin. It resembles Platt Roberts et Bullard, 2018 and Coeuritrema Mehra, 1933 by having the anterior to posterior anatomical sequence of a ventral sucker, external seminal vesicle, cirrus sac, anterior testis, ovary, transverse vitelline duct, and posterior testis. These genera are further similar by having the combination of an elongate/ovoid aspinous body, a ventral sucker at the level of the body constriction, an oesophagus that terminates in the anterior 1/5 of the body and that is ventral to the anterior nerve commissure, intestinal caeca that bifurcate in the anterior 1/3 of the body (not immediately anterior to the ventral sucker), a sinistral caecum that bends toward the midline at level of the cirrus and common genital pore, an external seminal vesicle that abuts the anterodextral margin of the cirrus sac, an oviduct that emerges from the dextral margin of the ovary, and an oviducal seminal receptacle that comprises the middle portion of the oviduct. These genera lack lateral oesophageal diverticulae and a median oesophageal diverticulum. The new genus is unique by having a papillate ventral body surface, an external seminal vesicle lateral to the cirrus sac, vasa efferentia that are ventral to the gonads, an oviduct that is convoluted, a Laurer's canal pore that is preovarian, a Laurer's canal that extends anterolaterad, and an excretory vesicle that is Y-shaped. The 28S rDNA phylogenetic analysis recovered the new species sister to Coeuritrema platti Roberts et Bullard, 2016, with that clade sister to Hapalorhynchus spp. and Platt spp. The new turtle blood fluke is the fourth from Vietnam, second from a Vietnam geomydid, and first from Heosemys Stejneger as well as the first endohelminth from the yellow-headed temple turtle., Haley R. Dutton and Stephen A. Bullard., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Srí Lanka je tropický ostrov ležící na severu Indického oceánu, který je topograficky velice různorodý a komplexní. Tyto faktory ve spojitosti s jeho historickou izolovaností od indického subkontinetu vedly k vývoji zcela unikátní fauny a flóry. Přibližne 80 % druhů obojživelníků a 60 % plazů je pro ostrov endemických, přičemž nejvyšší míra endemismu byla zatím zaznamenána u žab rodu Pseudophilautus nebo gekonů rodu Cnemaspis. Mezi hotspot bioty v megahotspot lze označit lesní rezervaci Sinharaja nacházející se v jihovýchodní části ostrova, jejíž diverzitě obojživelníků a plazů se věnuje předkládaný článek. and Sri Lanka is the tropical island located in the northern Indian Ocean which is topographically a very heterogeneous and complex area. These factors in connection with historical isolation of the island resulted in the development of unique fauna and flora. Approximately 80% of amphibian species and 60% of reptiles are endemic to the island. The highest value of endemism was recorded in frogs of the genus Pseudophilautus or geckos of the genus Cnemaspis. The Sinharaja forest reserve is a hotspot in the Sri Lankan megahotspot.Hence the species diversity of amphibians and reptiles in the reserve is the main topic of the present article.