Functional C(-260)→T polymorphism in the promoter of the CD14 gene has been reported to be associated with coronary heart disease (CHD). The functional role of the polymorphism, however, is still a matter of debate, since several studies have not proved its effect on clinical outcomes associated with atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular-related morbidity and mortality was assessed in a post-hoc approach four years after baseline characterization of patients (male/female n = 36/32) with angiographically proven coronary heart disease. CD14 C(-260)→T promoter genotype was determined at baseline. Seventeen out of 20 CHD patients with non-lethal cardiovascular events carried at least one T-allele. CD14 T-260 allele carriers have a 3.59-fold (95 % confidence interval: 1.11-6.75) increased risk for non-lethal cardiovascular events (Kaplan-Meier plot: log rank test p = 0. 029). All patients with lethal outcomes (n = 6) were also T-allele carriers. Multivariate logistic regression analysis among CHD patients including age, established risk factors and the C(-260)→T polymorphism as covariates and non-lethal events as a dependent variable confirmed the independent prospective effect of the T-allele on cardiovascular outcomes in this subset. Further evidence is provided for the role of CD14 C(-260)→T promoter polymorphism as a genetic susceptibility marker of atherosclerosis in patients with an advanced clinical course of the disease. Due to the small sample size and post-hoc character of the study large-scale prospective studies that monitor patients with proven CHD are needed to confirm these findings., M. Porsch-Öucürümez, J.Hucke, S. Westphal, J. A. Hubáček, G. Schmitz, C. Luley., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Prague hereditary hypercholesterolemic (PHHC) rat – rat strain crossbred from Wistar rats – is a model of hypercholesterolemia induced by dietary cholesterol. Importantly, no bile salts and/or antithyroid drugs need to be added to the diet together with cholesterol to induce hypercholesterolemia. PHHC rats have only modestly increased cholesterolemia when fed a standard chow and develop hypercholesterolem ia exceeding 5 mmol/l on 2 % cholesterol diet. Most of the cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic PHHC rats is found in VLDL that become enriched with cholesterol (VLDL-C/VLDL-TG ratio > 1.0). Concurrently, both IDL and LDL concentrations rise without any increase in HDL. PHHC rats do not markedly differ from Wistar rats in the activities of enzymes involved in intravascular remodelation of lipoproteins (lipoprotein and hepatic lipases and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase), LDL catabolism, cholesterol turnover rate and absorption of dietary cholesterol. The feeding rats with cholesterol diet results in development of fatty liver in spite of suppression of cholesterol synthesis. However, even though cholesterolemia in PHHC rats is comparable to human hypercholesterolemia, the PHHC rats do not develop atherosclerosis even after 6 months on 2 % cholesterol diet. Importantly, the crossbreeding experiments documented that hypercholesterolemia of PHHC rats is polygenic. To identify the genes that may be involved in pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia in this strain, the studies of microarray gene expression in the liver of PHHC rats are currently in progress., J. Kovář ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Jedním ze zdrojů informací o pravěku je mitochondriální DNA (mtDNA). Díky mutacím, které v její molekule v průběhu času zcela přirozeně vznikají, lze rekonstruovat fylogenetický strom a datovat vznik jednotlivých větví i jejich další vývoj v jednotlivých oblastech světa. První evropské větve lidské mtDNA fylogeneze jsou zřejmě starší více než 50 tis. let a pocházejí s největší pravděpodobností z Předního východu. Díky mtDNA bylo rovněž zjištěno, jak se na složení evropského genofondu projevilo poslední maximum doby ledové před 20 tis. lety, kdy se kvůli ochlazení lidé stáhli do jihoevropských refugií a po oteplení před 15 tis. lety severnější oblasti znovu kolonizovali. Také se předpokládalo, že se vznikem zemědělství před 10 tis. lety proběhla další větší migrace z Předního východu. Ve střední Evropě je ale námi zjištěný příspěvek ,,neolitických“ mtDNA linií poměrně malý, takže se zemědělství v této oblasti šířilo spíše akulturací původních obyvatel, tedy přenosem kulturních dovedností. Výsledky odpovídají i demografickým modelům populačního růstu., According to the human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny, European first branches seem to be more than 50 000 years old and may have originated in the Near East. MtDNA has also revealed how the composition of the European gene pool changed in association with the Last Glacial Maximum 20 000 years ago when the European population retreated into southern refugia and how after the amelioration of the climate some 15 000 years ago it re-colonized northern regions. The contribution of “Neolithic” mtDNA lineages in Central Europe has been determined as relatively small and agriculture probably spread more by the acculturation of indigenous inhabitants., and Edita Priehodová.
It is said that dog genome has 2 385 199138 base couples and 20 439 genes which is less than man. It has been described as having about 2,5 million polymorphisms which give us knowledge about more than 400 various kinds of dogs. and Jaromír Dostál.
Over the last decade, C-reactive protein concentration analyzed by the high sensitivity method (hsCRP) has been proven as a marker of premature atherosclerosis. Concentration exceeding 2 mg/l represents an increased individual risk of myocardial infarction and stroke but strict application of this borderline is complicated by relations of CRP concentrations to other risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. In a large 1 % representative sample of the Czech population, a positive relation of hsCRP to BMI, a waist circumference and triglyceride concentration was documented. Substantial sex differences were found in its relationship to age. Whereas it is continuously increasing in men, this increase appears in women only after menopause. A substantial decrease of body weight and visceral fat volume by increased physical activity is accompanied by significant decrease of hsCRP in young obese women. This decrease was not related to a change of interleukin-6 concentration, although it is supposed to regulate CRP production. CRP concentration is partly under genetic control as a higher concentration in young siblings of probands with proved coronary atherosclerosis was documented. The participation of genes related to lipoprotein metabolism (genes for apolipoprotein CI and apolipoprotein E) influence hsCRP concentrations. We hypothesized that an increased concentration of hsCRP represents a certain marker of proinflammatory status related to central obesity and triglyceride metabolism and it might be related to individual properties of monocytes in atherogenesis., R. Poledne ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury