Nástěnná monochromatická malba: nalevo Latona, ruce vztažené do stran, vedle ní dvě děti (Apollón a Diana). Na pravé straně postavy tří Lyčanů, dva z nich již změněni v žáby (jedna ze žáb drží srp). Výjev je zasazen do krajinného rámce. and Autor nástěnné malby použil grafickou ilustraci k Ovidiovým Metamorfózám (Baur 1641), kterou doslova převzal.
Kresba (58 x 48 cm): Herkules (lví kůže) se chystá kyjem zabít Neřesti, které srazil na zem: nalevo je Svár (stará žena, místo vlasů hadi), napravo Lakota (bytost s oslíma ušima a pytlem s penězi v ruce, uprostřed Přetvářka (maska v popředí, vedle ní žába). Nad Herkulem sedí na oblaku Minerva (přilba) s věncem a palmovou ratolestí v ruce, vedle leží její štít s Gorgoneiem a kopí. V pozadí antické chrámy a postavy Múz., Kaufmann 1988#, I/16., Fusenig 2010#, č. 90 s. 232., and Stejná kresba: Göttingen, Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar der Universität, Kunstsammlung inv. č. H 510 (31,1 x 21,1 cm). Patrně přípravná kresba k nedochovanému obrazu z Rudolfovy sbírky. Není vyloučeno, že tento ztracený obraz tvořil střed triptychu, jehož další součásti tvořily dvě imperiální alegorie (srov. Stuttgart, Návrat Saturnovy říše 2; Mnichov, Návrat Panny). Herkules byl častým alter ego habsburských císařů včetně Rudolfa II.
The effects of decreasing extracellular pH from 7.4 to 6.0 or 5.8 on whole cell membrane currents induced by GABA (10-100 //M) were studied in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons of the frog in short-term culture using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. In 45 of 50 cells the GABA currents were the same at both normal and reduced pH. In the remaining 5 cells, acidification increased the response. The reversal potential for the current, about +5 mV, was the same at reduced and normal pH. These results contrast with the effect of the same pH reduction which markedly reduces the current resulting from glutamate activation of receptors on central neurons (Traynelis and Cull-Candy 1990, Vyklicky Jr. et ai 1990, Tang et al. 1990). These findings suggest that acidification under pathophysiological conditions plays a protective role in preventing excessive excitation not only by decreasing glutamate responses but also by leaving the inhibitory GABAa responses intact.
Figura stojící stařeny v antikizující drapérii, na hlavě hradební koruna, v levé ruce drží kámen (v pravici patrně držela žábu)., Samek 1999#, 64-65., Schemper-Sparholz 2003#, 38., and Kámen v levé ruce je připomínkou kamene, který pozřel Saturn namísto dítěte, žába je szmbolem plodnosti. Socha stála původně v areálu premonstrátského kláštera v Louce u Znojma, kde byla součástí větší skupiny soch antických božstev. Klášter byl v roce 1784 Josefem II. zrušen a sochy zakoupeny hrabětem Aloisem Ugartem a přeneseny do Jevišovic. Italský sochař Lorenzo Mattielli se inspiroval kresbami J. W. van der Auwera, s nímž dříve spolupracoval.
Cryptosporidium fragile sp. n. (Apicomplexa) is described from black-spined toads, Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Schneider) (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) from the Malay Peninsula. The parasitized animals were directly imported from Malaysia and harboured C. fragile at the time of arrival. Oocysts were subspherical to elliptical with irregular contour in optical section, measuring 6.2 (5.5-7.0) × 5.5 (5.0-6.5) µm. Oocyst wall was smooth and colourless in light microscopy. The endogenous development of C. fragile in the stomach of black-spined toad was analysed in detail using light and electron microscopy. Cryptosporidian developmental stages were confined to the surface of gastric epithelial cells. In transmission experiments, C. fragile has not been infective for one fish species, four amphibian species, one species of reptile and SCID mice. Full length small subunit rRNA gene sequence was obtained. Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed distinct status of C. fragile within the clade of species with gastric localisation including Cryptosporidium muris Tyzzer, 1907, Cryptosporidium serpentis Levine, 1980 and Cryptosporidium andersoni Lindsay, Upton, Owens, Morgan, Mead et Blagburn, 2000. Described characteristics differentiate C. fragile from the currently recognized Cryptosporidium species. Our experience with the description of C. fragile has led us to revise the recommended criteria for an introduction of a new Cryptosporidium species name. C. fragile is the first species described and named from an amphibian host. Its prevalence of 83% (15/18) in black-spined toads within the 3 months after importation calls for strict quarantine measures and import regulation for lower vertebrates.
Blood smears prepared from the peripheral blood of 20 wild caught Amietia quecketti (Boulenger) from the North-West University Botanical Gardens, North West Province, South Africa, were examined for the presence of haemogregarines. A haemogregarine species comparative in morphology, host and geographical locality to that of Haemogregarina theileri Laveran, 1905 was detected. The original description of H. theileri was based solely on frog peripheral blood gamont stages. Later, further parasite stages, including trophozoites and merogonic liver stages, were recorded in a related Amietia sp. from equatorial Africa. This species was originally classified as a member of the genus Haemogregarina Danilewsky, 1885, but due to the close life cycle and morphological resemblance to those of Hepatozoon species, H. theileri was later transferred from Haemogregarina to Hepatozoon Miller, 1908. In the present study, meront and merozoite stages not described before, along with previously observed trophozoite, immature and mature gamont stages, are described from the peripheral blood of hosts. In addition, comparative phylogenetic analysis of the partial 18S rDNA sequence of Hepatozoon theileri to those of other haemogregarine species, including those of species of Hepatozoon and a Haemogregarina, support the taxonomic transfer of H. theileri to Hepatozoon, nesting H. theileri within a clade comprising species parasitising other amphibians. This is the first molecular and phylogenetic analysis of an African anuran species of Hepatozoon.
One of four Hoplobatrachus occipitalis (Günther, 1859) frogs received from Niger, West Africa was heavily infected with Lankesterella blood and pre-erythrocytic stages. Infected blood and tissues from this frog were force-fed to the remaining three frogs. Two survived to necropsy on days 14 and 27 post-feeding and were found to be infected with gamogonic and oogonic stages, respectively. The source of infection is inconclusive, as a natural origin cannot be excluded. Microgamont, macrogamont, oocyst and sporozoite structure and fine structure are described and found to conform in general, but not in detail, to previous descriptions. Gamonts and oocysts occurred predominantly in the liver and spleen. Walled sporulating oocysts were situated within macrophage centres. Oocysts yielded a progeny of 32 sporozoites. Pre-erythrocytic sporozoites developed within expanded inclusions, within their host cell, from which they massively invaded the liver and spleen, and to a lesser extent the lungs and kidneys. Sporozoites occurred in a parasitophorous vacuole in the erythrocytes. Conspecificity with Lankesterella dicroglossi Paperna et Ogara, 1996 reported from the same host species in Kenya remains uncertain due to several structural and developmental differences.