In Armenia, more than 50 % of the territory lies at an altitude of over 2 000 metres a. s. l. The overall landscape and the mountain flora and vegetation are determined by volcanic areas alternating with crystalline massif or limestone areas. and Ester Ekrtová, Libor Ekrt.
Co víme o květeně Brna? S jakými údaji můžeme pracovat a jaká je metodika sběru floristických údajů? Těmito tématy se zabývá článek shrnující dosavadní poznání květeny města Brna., What do we know about flora in the city of Brno? Which data are available and which methods were used for floristic data sampling? These are the topicscovered in the summary of recent findings on the flora in the city of Brno., and Zdeňka Lososová, Kateřina Šumberová, Lubomír Tichý, Jiří Danihelka, Marie Vymazalová.
The Southern Urals are an inspiring place for Czech naturalists. This paper provides basic information on this seldom visited region and describes the impressions of the two Czech biologists from their excursion to this place. The nature of the Southern Urals captivated them with its wildness, unrivalled in present-day Central Europe, its intrinsic order and the similarities with Central European nature. and Jan Roleček, Jan Losík.
Bryophytes, with their more than 860 species, represent more than a quarter of higher plants native to the CR. They can reveal much more about the ecosystems they live in than we would expect, as their physiological contact with the surroundings is much closer than that of the vascular plants. and Jan Kučera.
In contrast to the typical Central Bohemian landscape, the Sedlčany region is characterized by quite a high concentration of wet meadows; most of them discovered during the last few years. Though it is only a fragment of their original extent. Suitable management is absent at most localities, but a restoration of farming on selected meadows has recently been started. and J.Malíček.
Recent research in isolated Bulgarian mires has discovered many unknown disjunct populations of boreal vascular plant and bryophyte species. These findings draw attention to these recently endangered mires which represent a source of very important scientific information. and Michal Hájek, Petra Hájková.