An analysis of the bones from the settlement in Brozany nad Ohří (Litoměřice district) dated to the Salzmünde phase of the Funnel Beaker culture revealed standard characteristics for the reconstruction of the paleoeconomic situation and provided information regarding several unusual and interesting finds. There is a distinct predominance of domestic animals over wild species, with cattle being the most prominent domestic species. A total of sixteen species of wild animals were identified. Interesting finds include pig skulls, a complete skeleton of a fox, bones from perhaps synanthropic field mice, a fragment of an eagle bone, a vertebra from a large salmonid fish, scales from asp and chub and an assemblage of eight probably intentionally perforated shells. The skeletal remains of eight puppies were found in two settlement features, and skeletal remains of three newborn humans were also found in two settlement features. The co-occurrence of puppies and newborns in the same context indicates their equal depositional status. The material also contains a number of bone artefacts. and Rozbor kostí pocházejících ze sídliště v Brozanech nad Ohří (okr. Litoměřice), datovaného do salzmündské fáze kultury nálevkovitých pohárů, přinesl jak standardní charakteristiku paleoekonomické situace, tak i informace o několika neobvyklých a zajímavých nálezech. V materiálu výrazně převládají domácí zvířata nad divokými a mezi domácími zvířaty dominuje tur. Divokých živočichů bylo detekováno celkem 16 druhů. Zajímavými nálezy jsou kompletní lebky prasat, skelet lišky, kosti snad synantropních myšic, fragment kosti orla, obratel velké lososovité ryby a kumulace šupin bolena a jelce a soubor osmi perforovaných lastur velevrubů. Ve dvou sídlištních objektech byly nalezeny pozůstatky celkem osmi štěňat a ve dvou sídlištních objektech byla nalezena torza kostřiček tří lidských novorozenců. Unikátní je spolu-výskyt štěňat a novorozenců v témže kontextu naznačující jejich rovnocennost při deponování. Materiál obsahuje i soubor kostěných artefaktů.
1_ Analysis of chipped stone industry from Kopčany and Brehov (Slovakia). The fl ake stone assemblages (and other assemblages) which were discovered during the excavation of two archaeological sites in Eastern Slovakia – Zemplínske Kopčany and Brehov were analysed. Seventeen stone artefacts were found in object No. 24A-D/1974 at Zemplínske Kopčany. Obsidian stone, which is a local raw material, occurs at a higher frequency than imported raw materials – Jurassic fl int “G” and basalt. With the exception of two blanks (cores), the assemblage consists of fi nished tools, most of which were made on blades. Other tools present include two fl ake scrapers and a blunt drill made of Jurassic fl int “G”. One obsidian core is lightly reduced and the second obsidian core has a pyramidal shape. The remainder of the Zemplínske Kopčany assemblage includes ten fi nished products made of local (sedimentary rocks) and imported raw material (amphibolite?). Whetstones are most common and axes are less numerous. The assemblage also includes a wedge, a fragment of an axe-hammer, a globular pestle and conical byproducts from axe-hammer production., 2_ Local raw materials were used at Brehov. The local obsidian dominates and other stone materials are present in small proportions. The typological character of the fl ake industries is also different. Flakes account for 68 % of the artefacts and blades 25 %. Specifi c artefacts are the „łuszcznie“ (“Splitter” in German) though to have been used as chisels or cutting tools. The cores are very small and lightly reduced. One pebble with negative scars and one drill (borer) are also present. Other artefacts include a shaft of a fl at axe made of local hornstone and a fragment of an unfi nished granodiorite axe-hammer with a hole drilled in the middle (possibly originating from the High Tatras?). The analyzed assemblages are compared with assemblages from other Baden Culture sites in Slovakia and in particular to those from the Malopolskie Voivodship. The analyzed artefacts from Zemplínske Kopčany and Brehov correspond to two phases in the development of the Baden Culture. The older phase has stronger affi nities to the Funnel Beaker Culture, and in the case of the Brehov site, to a younger phase, which is parallel with the Pleszow-Zesławice group in the Malopolskie Voivodship., Marián Soják., and Obsahuje seznam literaruty