Faunistika není mrtvý obor zoologie. V prvním dílu diskutujeme záludnosti faunistiky a rozdíly mezi faunistikou a sběratelstvím. Měkkýši byli vybráni jako modelová skupina organismů, na nichž ukazujeme historii vývoje oboru v Českých zemích a vývoj měkkýší faunistiky., Faunistics is not a dead subject of zoology. The challenges of faunistics and the difference between faunistics and collecting are discussed. Molluscs were chosen as a model group to show the history of the subject in the Czech Republic and the development of mollusc faunistics., and Vojen Ložek, Lucie Juřičková.
This contribution endeavours to show the substance of Machovec’s philo¬sophical thinking in the context of his time and the coordinates of his personal life. Tis we can best trace in the problems the seeking meaning in life. That is for Machovec a lifelong concern. He understands humans and their discovery of meaning in this world as a complex problem. Its core is a cultivated orientation of each individual in the world. As a “master of dialogue”, Machovec shows the possibilities of seeking self-determination in this way.
Very little is known about the spawning behaviour of loach fishes, despite the fact that reproduction is one of the most important aspects in the autecology of animals. Here the spawning behaviour of golden spined loaches of the genus Sabanejewia is described for the first time. In opposite to spined loaches of the genera Cobitis and Misgurnus, the spawning partners do some ‘circle swimming’ together prior to spawning and the male does not form a full ring around the female but catches the female with a ‘V’-shaped body. This spawning behaviour explains why males of Sabanejewia, unlike nearly all other genera of Cobitidae, 1) are not significantly smaller than females, a condition that is required only to form a complete ring around the female,and 2) have swellings in the middle of the body instead of specialised rays of the pectoral fins like in most other genera. These swellings are in the part of the body that touches the female during the release of gametes, while the pectoral fins do not reach to female’s body.
The food remains of Neomys fodiens (particularly trichopteran larvae, Gastropoda and Amphibia) found on the banks of ponds and small creeks in Lower Austria are described. Characteristic bite marks, the manner of opening the cases and shells, as well as data on feeding patterns are presented. Food caches mainly consisted of caddis fly larvae and snails, but also contained non-palatable items which shrews apparently had confused with real prey and retrieved. The composition of the caches varied seasonally, showing a marked mid-summer decline and a shift in the proportion of Trichoptera and Mollusca in late summer and autumn. Shrews employed particular methods when breaking snail shells and opening caddis fly cases, and in the consumption of vertebrate carcasses.
The Indian river shad, Gudusia chapra, is a commercially important clupeid that contributes to subsistence and artisanal fisheries in inland waters in Bangladesh. Population parameters for this species were collected from a study of a population in a large perennial pond in Mymensingh, Bangladesh from May 2003 to April 2004. The gonado-somatic indices indicated a spawning season in spring, with a mean birth date estimated as 30 April. The growth equations, provided by three models, for males and females respectively, were: Lt = 140.42 (1- exp (-0.026 (t + 6.717))) and Lt = 145.39 (1- exp (-0.025 (t + 7.113))) for the von Bertalanffy model; Lt = 121.53 exp (-exp (-0.050 (t - 8.274))) and Lt = 124.95 exp (-exp (-0.048 (t - 8.421))) for the Gompertz model; and Lt = 114.27 / (1 + exp (-0.074 (t – 14.260))) and Lt = 117.19 / (1 +2 exp (-0.071 (t - 14.524))) for the Robertson model, where Lt is standard length (mm) at age t (weeks). Growth was best described by the von Bertalanffy growth equation for both male and female based on Chi-squared (χ2) values and Akaike’s information criterion. The absolute growth rates of males were slower than that of females. The von Bertalanffy growth model expressed in terms of body weight (BW) yielded functions for males and females of: BWt = 53.63 (1- exp {-0.028 (t + 6.320)))3 and BWt = 53.89 (1- exp (-0.023 (t + 9.215))3, respectively.
Parasitological examinations of 102 specimens of the lesser great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenbach) from two nesting regions in the Czech Republic (South Bohemia and South Moravia) were carried out at the Institute of Parasitology, Czech Academy of Sciences (previously the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences) in the years 1987-1992. In them, a total of 19 species of helminth parasites was found, including Trematoda (11 species), Cestoda (2), Nematoda (4) and Acanthocephala (2), which can be divided into three main groups regarding their host specificity: parasites specific for cormorants (Phalacrocorax spp.) (37%), those parasitic mainly in cormorants (16%) and non-specific parasites (47%). Of the 19 species recorded, 100% were found in South Moravia, but only 47% of these 19 species in South Bohemia. The higher number of helminth species in cormorants from South Moravia and a higher proportion of non-specific species may be associated with the presence of the large Nové Mlýny water reservoir, in addition to better ecological and environmental conditions in this warmer region. Scanning electron microscopical examination of three common nematode species parasitising cormorants, Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964, Desmidocercella incognita Solonitsin, 1932 and Syncuaria squamata (von Linstow, 1883), revealed some taxonomically important, previously unreported morphological features, such as the cephalic structures, numbers and distribution of male caudal papillae or the shapes of spicules., František Moravec, Tomáš Scholz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Hořec hořepník (Gentiana pneumonanthe) se vyskytuje v mírném pásu Evropy a jeho areál zasahuje až do oblasti jihozápadní Sibiře. Ve střední Evropě najdeme hořepník na nehnojených, střídavě vlhkých bezkolencových loukách a extenzivních pastvinách. V ČR i řadě okolních zemí je hořec hořepník považován za vzácný a ohrožený druh, a to přestože jde o vytrvalý, dlouhověký druh, který produkuje velký počet semen. Podobně jako řada dalších druhů se stal obětí odvodnění a radikálních změn ve způsobu obhospodařování krajiny. Pro zachování životaschopné populace hořce hořepníku je hlavní klíčení a přežívání semenáčků, které úspěšně probíhá pouze na ploškách s obnaženým půdním povrchem (gaps). Optimálně načasované kosení, pastva či nejlépe jejich kombinace jsou vhodným managementem hořepníkových lokalit a nadějí i pro kriticky ohroženého modráska hořcového (Phengaris alcon, dříve Maculinea alcon). Tento druh využívá hořce hořepníky u nás coby hlavní živnou rostlinu a dostatečně početná populace hořepníku je považována za jednu z hlavních podmínek výskytu modráska., Gentiana pneumonanthe occurs in the temperate zone of Europe, with its range extending to southwest Siberia. In central Europe, the species grows in oligotrophic wet meadows (Molinion) and extensive pastures. Plants are perennial, long-lived and produce many seeds. It is a rare and endangered species of the Czech flora and floras of many neighbouring countries; drainage of its sites and abandonment of traditional management practices are the major threats. Germination and seedling survival (the crucial phases of the species life cycle) are successful only in gaps with bare soil. Proper timing of mowing and grazing, or preferably their combination, are necessary for effective species conservation. They also give a chance to the Blue Alcon (Phengaris alcon, formerly Maculinea alcon), a monophagous butterfly feeding on Marsh Gentian. The Blue Alcon usually occurs only in large populations of its food-plant., Zdenka Křenová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Poslední díl seriálu seznamuje se dvěma opravdu blankytně modrými hořci. Hořec brvitý (Gentianopsis ciliata) má těžiště rozšíření v prostoru střední Evropy, Alp a Balkánu. Nedávné studie potvrzují, že jde o vytrvalý, relativně krátkověký druh. Pozoruhodná je jeho schopnost vegetativního rozrůstání z adventivních pupenů. Ty dávají vzniknout novým nadzemním lodyhám, které jsou neodlišitelné od samostatných oddělených rostlin. Experimentální studie ukazují, že je velmi obtížné stanovit optimální obhospodařování jeho lokalit. Seč v tradičních termínech (červen) výrazně ničí jeho lodyhy. Stejně tak je druh náchylný na zarůstání lokalit křovinami a nedostatek prostoru (mezer v porostu, tzv. gapů) ke klíčení. Hořec křížatý (Gentiana crutiata) roste roztroušeně téměř v celé Evropě a západní Asii. Jde o vytrvalý druh. Jeho dlouhodobé přežívání na lokalitě je však závislé zamezení zarůstání a možnosti vyklíčení semen na obnažených, disturbovaných plochách. Často roste, obdobně jako další druhy hořců a hořečků, na místech, kde byla disturbance prováděná pasenými zvířaty nahrazena aktivitami moderního člověka (jízda na koních, motorkách, čtyřkolkách, též ve vojenských újezdech na dopadových plochách či tzv. tankodromech). Hořce a hořečky jsou přírodním a kulturním dědictvím naší krajiny. Cílem seriálu bylo ukázat, že jako takové má smysl jejich biotopy chránit a obhospodařovat., The last part of our series introduces two species. The Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis ciliata) occurs in Central Europe, in the Alps and in the Balkans. It is a perennial but relatively short-lived species, remarkable for vegetative propagation from adventitious buds. Tailoring management of its sites is very difficult – traditional mowing in June destroys many of the stems, but the inhibition of succession and the creation of gaps are essential for successful propagation of the species. The perennial species Cross Gentian (Gentiana cruciata), scattered across Europe and western Asia, occurs in places where traditional disturbances by grazing animals are often replaced by human leisure activities or military training. The inhibition of shrub succession and small-scale soil disturbances are essential for survival of this species. The main aim of our series was to justify the protection of Gentians and suggest appropriate management of their habitats., and Zdenka Křenová, Jiří Brabec.
This paper focuses on the morphology, taxonomy and ecology of the widespread cyanobacteria of the genus Nodularia Mertens ex Bornet & Flahault. In this study the benthic strain of N. sphaerocarpa, isolated from a sand-pit near Olomouc (Czech Republic), is compared with brackish and seawater strains. Changes in morphology and growth parameters (biomass and chlorophyll a) recorded in varying salinity gradients were studied and a 16S rRNA sequencing and AFLP analysis conducted. Morphological and ecophysiological characteristics found were in congruence with molecular data. Three major subgroups of the benthic Nodularia (N. sphaerocarpa, N. moravica and N. harveyana) were found using the polyphasic approach. The results of both the molecular and morphological study clearly separated N. moravica and N. sphaerocarpa, as freshwater species preferring a low salinity and the N. harveyana strains originating from a marine environment preferring a high salinity.
The European stag beetle, Lucanus cervus, is recognised as a flagship species for biodiversity conservation. Although the species is widely distributed across Europe declines have led to it being granted protected or endangered status in a number of countries and regarded as "near threatened" by the IUCN. The integration of genetic approaches into conservation efforts is urgently needed but has been impeded to date by the lack of appropriate genetic markers. To provide such a resource the development of the first microsatellite loci for stag beetle is described. Loci were identified using two methods (i) enriched library cloning (ELC) and (ii) Restriction enzyme Associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq). Inefficient microsatellite detection using the ELC method suggests that RAD-Seq, or other Next Generation Sequencing based methods, may ultimately be more cost effective for obtaining informative suites of markers for this and other coleopteran species. 18 loci were characterised by genotyping 42 UK specimens collected as prey leftover/roadkill. All loci produced unambiguous genotypes and were polymorphic. Though preliminary, estimates of genetic variability suggest UK populations may be genetically depauperate. The microsatellite loci represent a suite of genetic markers that can be applied to non-invasive population monitoring and numerous other areas of Lucanus conservation and evolutionary research., Niall J. McKeown, Deborah J. Harvey, Amy J. E. Healey, Ilze Skujina, Karen Cox, Alan C. Gange, Paul W. Shaw., and Obsahuje bibliografii