The aim of our study was to determine the effect of selected cytostatics on a human ovarian cancer cell line A2780 as a model system for ovarian cancer treatment. This cell line is considered cisplatin-sensitive. Panel of tested cytostatics included cisplatin, paclitaxel, carboplatin, gemcitabine, topotecan and etoposide. These cytostatics have a different mechanism of action. To evaluate cytotoxic potential of the tested compounds, the methods measuring various toxicological endpoints were employed including morphological studies, MTT assay, dynamic monitoring of cell proliferation with xCELLigence, cell cycle analysis, caspase 3 activity and expression of proteins involved in cell cycle regulation and cell death. The A270 cell line showed different sensitivity towards the selected cytostatics, the highest cytotoxic effect was associated with paclitaxel and topotecan., Kateřina Caltová, Miroslav Červinka, and Literatura 38
Karcinom pankreatu patří mezi nejzhoubnější nádory gastrointestinálního traktu. Snaha zlepšit léčebné výsledky přidáním dalších cytostatik do kombinace s gemcitabinem vedla ke zklamání. V cílené léčbě pouze tyrozinkinázový inhibitor EGFR erlotinib vykazuje protinádorovou aktivitu, která je klinicky významná u pacientů s rozvojem kožní vyrážky., Pancreatic cancer belongs to the most malignant gastrointestinal tumors. Efforts to improve survival outcomes with gemcitabine-based combination chemotherapy regimens have been largely disappointing. Among targeted therapies only the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor erlotinib has shown activity, but clinically relevant in patients developing skin rash., Petr Karásek, Beatrix Bencsiková, Jiří Navrátil, and Literatura