Whittaker was one of the leading ecologists of his generation, introducing several ideas to plant community ecology. One approach involved deriving environmental-correlation curves in attempts to determine how the abundance of individual species changed along environmental gradients. These curves have been used extensively in the ecological literature of the last 50 years. However, there has been no examination of whether the methods used were sufficiently rigorous to justify Whittaker’s conclusions, let alone the very widespread use of them by others to draw general conclusions. Whittaker’s curves were based on large amounts of fieldwork. However, the sampling methods used were subjective, and the analyses of the data were often circular. When the curves are compared to the data on which they were based, it can be seen that many of the features that Whittaker claimed to see in his graphs are not supported. Whittaker’s main conclusions may have been correct but his studies do not stand up as pieces of scientific work.
We investigate orthopteran communities in the natural landscape of the Russian Far East and compare the habitat requirements of the species with those of the same or closely related species found in the largely agricultural landscape of central Europe. The study area is the 1,200 km2 Lazovsky State Nature Reserve (Primorsky region, southern Russian Far East) 200 km east of Vladivostok in the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin Mountains (134°E/43°N). The abundance of Orthoptera was recorded in August and September 2001 based on the number present in 20 randomly placed 1 m2 quadrates per site. For each plot (i) the number of species of Orthoptera, (ii) absolute species abundance and (iii) fifteen environmental parameters characterising habitat structure and microclimate were recorded. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used first to determine whether the Orthoptera occur in ecologically coherent groups, and second, to assess their association with habitat characteristics. In addition, the number of species and individuals in natural and semi-natural habitats were compared using a t test. A total of 899 individuals of 31 different species were captured, with numbers ranging between 2 and 13 species per plot. Species diversity was higher in semi-natural habitats than natural habitats. There was a similar but non-significant pattern in species density. Ordination analysis indicated four orthopteran communities, which were clearly separable along a moisture and vegetation density gradient. The natural sites in the woodland area of the Lazovsky Zapovednik are characterized by species-poor and low-density orthopteran assemblages compared to the semi-natural sites. But, the natural sites have a higher diversity of habitat specialists. Our findings corroborate the hypothesis that intermediate habitat disturbance levels support particularly species-rich animal communities at high densities. Under such regimes, orthopterans presumably mostly profit from the high diversity in plant species, which generates great structural and microclimatic heterogeneity.
Whereas the classification of plant communities has a long tradition that of animal assemblages remains poorly developed. Here we propose a classification scheme for orthopteran communities based on regional "character species", "differential species" and "attendant species" at different levels of habitat complexity, which is also applicable to other insect groups. In this context there are three main points of special importance: (i) the geographical reference area, (ii) the hierarchical spatial level (e.g. habitat complex, habitat and microhabitat) and (iii) precise constancy criteria for the definition of character species and differential species. We develop this new approach using a study on orthopteran communites of central German semi-dry calcareous grasslands. Within this habitat, we describe seven structural types that are characterized by specific orthopteran communities. For the arrangement of the structural types several environmental parameters (e.g. height and density of vegetation) were collected. Orthopteran densities were sampled at 80 sites using a biocoenometer (box quadrat). Regional character species of semi-dry grasslands include Myrmeleotettix maculatus, Metrioptera brachyptera, Stenobothrus lineatus and Tetrix tenuicornis. Within this habitat, Chorthippus parallelus, Metrioptera roeselii, Omocestus viridulus, Pholidoptera griseoaptera and Tettigonia viridissima were designated as differential species for particular structural types. Furthermore, Tettigonia cantans and Tettigonia viridissima act as altitudinal differential species. Chorthippus biguttulus is the only attendant species with high constancy values in all structural types. This classification is a powerful tool for arthropod conservation, since it allows one to determine community completeness of very important and threatened habitats, like semi-dry calcareous grasslands.