In order to fulfil their essential roles as the bearers of truth and the relata of logical relations, propositions must be public and shareable. That requirement has favoured Platonist and other non-mental views of them, despite the well-known problems of Platonism in general. Views that propositions are mental entities have correspondingly fallen out of favour, as they have difficulty in explaining how propositions could have shareable, objective properties. We revive a mentalist view of propositions, inspired by Artificial Intelligence work on perceptual algorithms, which shows how perception causes persistent mental entities with shareable properties that allow them to fulfil the traditional roles of (one core kind of) propositions. The clustering algorithms implemented in perception produce outputs which are (implicit) atomic propositions in different minds. Coordination of them across minds proceeds by game-theoretic processes of communication. The account does not rely on any unexplained notions such as mental content, representation, or correspondence (although those notions are applicable in philosophical analysis of the result).
To this day five Gobio gobio subspecies in northern, western and central Anatolia, in Turkey have been classified. Some subspecies were described based on 2-4 specimens by B a t t a l g i l (1942, 1944), L a d i g e s (1960), B ă n ă r e s c u & N a l b a t (1973), B ă n ă r e s c u (1992), B ă n ă r e s c u (1999). In this study, Gobio gobio specimens from the type localities of various running waters and lakes of norht, norhwest and central Anatolia were collected and ANOVA (analysis of variance), cluster analysis and canonical discriminant analysis were applied to fifty variables (eight meristic and forty-two metric characters derived from thirty-four measured or counted variables) to show the main differences between them. From these statistical analyses, Gobio gobio specimens were placed in one of three groups: G1 Beyşehir Lake; G2 Sakarya River Basin, Gerede and Melendiz Stream; G3 İnsuyu Stream, southwards from Tuz Lake. Measurements Standard length/Head height (SL/hH), Head length/Head height (C/hH), Standard length/Head length (SL/C), Predorsal distance/Postdorsal distance (pD/poD), Standard length/Postdorsal distance (SL/poD) and Standard length/Predorsal distance (SL/pD) were important characteristics for distinguishing the populations of Gobio gobio.
The cluster analysis and the formal concept analysis are both used to
identify significant groups of sirnilar objects. The Rice & Siff’s algorithm joins these two methods for a two-valued object-attribute (0-A) model and often significantly reduces the amount of concepts and the complexity. We consider an 0-A model with graded degrees of attributes. We define a new type of one-sided fuzzification of a conceptual lattice. We generalize the Rice & Siff’s algorithm for this case wrt a fixed rnetric. We prove the basic properties of this new lattice, metric and algorithm and discuss it on a real example.
Long-term spring arrival dates of 37 migratory bird species as recorded in Moravia (Czech Republic) during 103 years between 1881 and 2001 were evaluated for pairwise correlation (i.e. co-fluctuation in migratory timing) between avian species. Cluster analysis of the correlation matrix revealed a number of clusters (called ‘migrons’) of co-fluctuating migratory bird species. All short-distance migrants with the European (Mediterranean) winter range clustered together in migron A (Alauda arvensis, Motacilla alba, Vanellus vanellus, Sturnus vulgaris, Corvus frugilegus, Columba palumbus, Phoenicurus ochruros, Phylloscopus collybita, Remiz pendulinus, Erithacus rubecula, Turdus philomelos, Larus ridibundus, Serinus serinus, Sylvia atricapilla), while six other, smaller clusters were formed exclusively of long-distance migrants having an African (sub-Saharan) winter range: (B) Cuculus canorus, Streptopelia turtur; (C) Hirundo rustica, Jynx torquilla, Luscinia megarhynchos, Apus apus, Sylvia curruca; (D) Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Riparia riparia, Upupa epops; (E) Anthus trivialis, Delichon urbica, Motacilla flava, Hippolais icterina; (F) Ciconia ciconia, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Ficedula albicollis, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Lanius collurio; (G) Oriolus oriolus, Muscicapa striata, Locustella fluviatilis, Coturnix coturnix. Results of the co-migration analysis pose interesting questions about possible varying underlying mechanisms of the migration timing in different migrons of birds.
The distribution patterns of loaches (Teleostei: Cobitoidea) were revealed in the River East Tiaoxi in China. Eight loach species (Cobitis sinensis, C. dolichorhynchus, C. laterimaculata, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Paramisgurnus dabryanus, Leptobotia tchangi, Vanmanenia pingchowensis and V. stenosoma) were found in field surveys at 90 sites. A macroscale analysis of the geographical distribution showed that related species were segregated in accordance with longitudinal alterations along the river course. M. anguillicaudatus was widely distributed from the middle reaches to upstream of the river whereas the related species, P. dabryanus, was distributed only downstream. Three spined loaches, namely C. dolichorhynchus, C. sinensis, and C. laterimaculata, were distributed in the middle reaches, the middle to upstream reaches, and the upstream section of the river, respectively. The distribution of V. pingchowensis was further upper stream than that of V. stenosoma in the upstream section. More detailed microscale analysis revealed that L. tchangi and the two Vanmanenia species, V. stenosoma and V. pingchowensis were mostly found in the ‘Riffle’ (lotic) habitats, whereas the two spined loaches, C. laterimaculata and C. sinensis preferred the ‘Pool’ (lentic) habitats. These results demonstrated that related loach species preferred similar habitat units in the River East Tiaoxi system.
The paper presents to Czech social scientists an introductory review of the concept of equivalence and the method of blockmodeling in social network analysis (SNA). After introducing the central concepts of SNA such as node and tie, along with their basic metrics such as centrality and cohesion, I present the concepts of role and position. These are treated by SNA as clusters of nodes with similar ties, something I juxtapose to algorithms to identify cohesive subgroups of nodes. Subsequently, I define and compare the two most frequently applied types of equivalence - structural, which is strict but broadly applicable, and regular, which is more liberal but has limited uses. Structural equivalence builds on a strict definition of similarity of ties, treating as equivalent only such nodes that have the same ties to the same other nodes. Regular equivalence works with looser criteria and better corresponds with both the theoretical and the intuitive notions of role; this, however, is outweighed by the absence of a unique regular-equivalent solution within a network and by the difficulty to process networks with undirected ties. Regular-equivalent nodes are such that have ties to other mutually equivalent nodes. I present examples to demonstrate the differences between both definitions. In the following section, I discuss measurement of similarity between the different nodes’ profiles of ties (e.g., correlation and Euclidean distance) and possible uses of the standard statistical methods of cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling to detect equivalent classes of nodes within networks. After pointing to the weaknesses of these techniques in network data analysis, I present blockmodeling as a method designed specifically to identify roles and positions within networks. Ischematize the blockmodeling procedure and present its basic terms before comparing classic inductive blockmodeling, which is primarily fit for the purposes of exploration and network reduction, with deductive generalized blockmodeling, which is applicable in testing hypotheses about basic structural characteristics of a network. I bring attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. Relatedly, I present an application of blockmodeling especially for the purposes of simplified network representation, comparing structural patterns across networks, and testing structural theories. In the following section, I demonstrate specific blockmodeling algorithms based on both structural equivalence (CONCOR and Tabu Search optimization) and regular equivalence (REGE and Tabu Search optimization). Then I verify the adequacy of their resulting assignment of positions to nodes using eta coefficient, Q modularity and correlation of the ideal blocked and the empirical adjacency matrices. In the concluding section, I demonstrate the entire blockmodeling procedure on an empirical case of a small network with undirected ties using the UCINET software tool, including interpretation of results. Finally, I reflect the contemporary position of blockmodeling among leading research approaches in SNA, referring to other empirically oriented studies that demonstrate the broad applicability and utility of position analysis., Tomáš Diviák., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu a poznámky
The pattern of natural vegetation on non-calcareous soils in two deep river valleys of the Bohemian Massif (Vltava and Dyje rivers, Czech Republic) was analyzed in order to determine the main topographic and soil variables affecting the composition of the vegetation. Vegetation data together with topographic and soil variables were collected along transects down the slope from the upper edge to the bottom of the valley. The distribution of vegetation types within the valleys was described using cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Effects of topographic and soil variables were compared using a set of canonical correspondence analyses (CCAs) with explanatory variable selection based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC). In order to describe the non-linear interaction between the two topographic variables, elevation and aspect, a new method (moving window CCA) was introduced. This method assessed the explanatory power of aspect at various elevations above the valley bottom. Results show that main vegetation coenoclines are correlated with two complex environmental gradients: the moisture-nutrient-soil reaction and light-temperature-continentality gradients. Soil variables are slightly better predictors of vegetation composition than topographic variables. Altogether, these variables explain 18.8–21.6% of the total inertia. Although soil development depends on topography, the variation jointly explained by both groups of variables is only 3.9–5.2%, indicating that each of these two groups of variables influences vegetation pattern in a different way. Variables selected by the most parsimonious model for the Vltava valley are aspect, soil pH, soil type fluvisol and soil depth. For the Dyje valley the same variables as in Vltava valley were selected except for soil depth, which was replaced by soil type cambisol. Aspect has a strong effect on vegetation on the middle slopes but not on the lower slopes of the valleys. The results of all analyses are similar between the two valleys, suggesting that similar patterns may also occur in other deep river valleys of mid-altitudes of the Bohemian Massif.
Dietary composition and metabolism of fatty acids (FA) influence insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia and other components of the metabolic syndrome (MS). It is known that patients with MS exhibit a heterogeneous phenotype; however, the relationships of individual FA to MS components have not yet been consistently studied. We examined the plasma phosphatidylcholine FA composition of 166 individuals (68F/98M) with MS and of 188 (87F/101M) controls. Cluster analysis of FA divided the groups into two clusters. In cluster 1, there were 65.7 % of MS patients and 37.8 % of controls, cluster 2 contained 34.3 % of patients and 62.2 % of controls (P<0.001). Those with MS within cluster 1 (MS1) differed from individuals with MS in cluster 2 (MS2) by concentrations of glucose (P<0.05), NEFA (P<0.001), HOMA-IR (P<0.05), and levels of conjugated dienes in LDL (P<0.05). The FA composition in MS1 group differed from MS2 by higher contents of palmitoleic (+30 %), γ-linolenic (+22 %), dihomo-γ-linolenic (+9 %) acids and by a lower content of linoleic acid (–25 %) (all P<0.01). These FA patterns are supposed to be connected with the progression and/or impaired biochemical measures of MS (lipolysis, oxidative stress, dysglycidemia, and insulin resistance)., A. Žák, M. burda, M. Vecka, M. Zeman, E. Tvrzická, B. Staňková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The relationships of 14 Central European species of the genus Micrasterias were analysed using landmark-based geometric morphometrics. The analysis of relative warps was used to depict the principal components of the variation in shape and cluster analysis to reveal the groupings of individual species within the genus. All the analysed cells were correctly placed in their appropriate species clusters on the basis of geometric morphometric data. The width of the polar lobe associated with depth of the incisions between lateral lobules is the dominant morphological trend in the data investigated.
Regional frequency analysis of heavy precipitation amounts based on the estimation of the parameters of a regional distribution function using L-moments is adopted for the specific geographical-climatological settings of Slovakia. The paper focuses on the first step of the regional L-moment algorithm (Hosking, Wallis, 1997), which is the delineation of homogeneous regions. Objective and process-based logical pooling techniques are used to form homogeneous pooling groups of rainfall gauging stations for regional frequency analysis of k-day precipitation amounts (k = 1 to 5 days). Even though the delineation of homogeneous regions by means of objective methods is generally accepted and recommended in the literature, it is concluded here that such a pooling of similar sites should not be carried out automatically in precipitation analysis. Instead, a combination of physical/geomorphological considerations and objective methods should be preferred. and Článok sa zaoberá regionálnou frekvenčnou analýzou mimoriadnych úhrnov zrážok, ktorá je založená na odhade parametrov regionálneho rozdelenia pravdepodobnosti pomocou L-momentov a ktorá sa aplikuje v špecifických geograficko-klimatických podmienkach Slovenska. Článok je užšie zameraný na prvý krok tzv. regionálneho L-momentového algoritmu (Hosking, Wallis, 1997), ktorým je vyčlenenie homogénnych regiónov pre k-denné úhrny zrážok (k = 1 až 5). Na formovanie homogénnych zoskupení klimatologických a zrážkomerných staníc sa použila objektívna aj subjektívna (logická) metodika. Napriek tomu, že odborná literatúra všeobecne uznáva a odporúča použiť objektívne postupy na vyčlenenie homogénnych regiónov, v štúdii sme usúdili, že by sa vo frekvenčnej analýze úhrnov zrážok navzájom podobné stanice nemali vyčleňovať automaticky. Namiesto toho odporúčame, aby sa k tomuto účelu použila kombinácia objektívnych postupov, resp. úvah založených na fyzicko-geografických charakteristikách krajiny