The 700th birth anniversary of King of Bohemia (1346-1378) and Holy Roman Emperor (1355-1378) Charles IV has been designated as one of UNESCO´s important world anniversaries for 2016-2017. Throughout 2016, the Sept centennial anniversary will feature a wide array of commemorative events ranging from exhibitions to historical-themed festivities, conferences and celebrations. The Czech Academy of Sciences´ participation is part of the research programs Strategy AV21. Events thus far featured a lecture on "Emperor Charles IV and Master of Theology Jan Hus" February 17, 2016 by Prof. František Šmahel, Czech historian of medieval political and intellectual history, at the Neo- Renaissance Žofín Palace in Prague. It launched a cycle of lectures CAS - Top research in the public interest by prominent Czech scientists. and Marina Hužvárová.
Jiří Stibral. and Předneseno na slavnostní schůzi České akademie věd a umění, Národohospodářského ústavu při České akademii, Hlávkových studentských kolejí a Správy nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových, konané na počest stých narozenin Josefa Hlávky v Pantheonu Národního musea dne 14. února 1931
The article presents two likely and so far unknown compilers of the third edition of Koniáš’s Key from 1770. Their names have been revealed by a handwritten note in a copy that was originally a part of the library of the private collector Josef Bartsch (1731-1803). Concerning the first figure, the Jesuit Josef Kögler, the treatise describes his career in the Jesuit Order and the posts that he held. In the case of his co-worker Jan Kohout, the text outlines the possible connections that might help identify him precisely. and David Mach.
Czech Academy of Science will start the calibrations of death centenary of Josef Hlavka (1831-1908). Czech architect, builder and patron of Czech science, art and education, was one of the most successful businessman in 19th century. Josef, Maria and Zdenka Hlavka Foundation with Czech Academy of Science have been prepared various kinds of memorial events such as conference on architecture, exhibitions, workshops and other. Academic Bulletin arranged new rubric Gallery that will present collection of art production related with Josef Hlavka in all this year issues. and František Šmahel.