In view of the high anti-oxidative potential oftocotrienol, the role of the tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) of palm oil in preventing pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) was explored in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial in an urban teaching hospital. Healthy primigravidae were randomized to receive either oral TRF 100 mg daily or placebo, from early second trimester until delivery. Out of 299 women, 151 were randomized into the TRF arm and 148 into the placebo arm. A total of 15 (5.0%) developed PIH. Although there was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of PIH (4/151 or 2.6% in the TRF arm vs. 11/148 or 7.4% in the placebo arm, p = 0.058) between the two arms, there was a tendency towards a lower incidence of PIH in the TRF arm compared to the placebo arm. With TRF supplementation, the relative risk (RR) of PIH was 0.36 (95% CI 0.12-1.09). In conclusion, although TRF from palm oil does not statistically significantly reduce the risk of development of PIH in the population studied, the 64% reduction in incidence of PIH is substantial. The findings warrant further clinical trials, particularly in high risk populations. and ZA. Mahdy, HH. Siraj, H. Khaza'ai, MS. Mutalib, MH. Azwar, MA. Wahab, AZ. Dali, R. Jaafar, NA. Ismail, MA. Jamil, N. Adeeb
Background: Obstetric complications developing at antiphospholipid syndrome are serious medical-social problem. Seeking of the treatment methods sets conditions for urgency of the article reviewed. Enzyme preparations are widely applied for treatment of women with fecundity disorder and hemorheology changes. Research objective was in clinico-laboratorial evaluation of Serrata drug impact in antiphospholipid syndrome in women with reproductive losses of Andijan state. Methods: Data of 43 women in the non-pregnancy state with reproductive losses (RL) in past history with revealed APS had been studied by us. Results: Thus, conducted therapy with Serrata was conductive to haemostasis. Conducted researches confirm the safety of application., Gulnoza Maniyozova, Habiba Negmatshaeva, Ozoda Yuldasheva, Gulnoza Turaeva, Dilfura Parpieva, and Literatura
Příčina neplodnosti infertilního páru v polovině případů stojí na straně muže. Oxidační stres je jedním z důvodů zhoršené plodnosti muže. Článek rozebírá etiologii a mechanizmus vzniku oxidačního stresu a shrnuje současné poznatky o možnostech diagnostiky a léčby oxidačního stresu spermií., In half of the cases of infertility in infertile pairs is due to the pathology of the man. Oxidative stress is one of the reasons of impaired fertility in a male. This article analyses the etiology and mechanism of oxidative stress and summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the diagnostics options and treatment of oxidative stress of sperm., Lukáš Bittner, Matúš Chocholatý, Marcela Čechová, Tomáš Zima, Robert Grill, and Literatura