It is well known that the consumption of moderate doses of alcohol leads to the increase of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C). Atheroprotectivity of HDL particles is based primarily on their role in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). In the study with a crossover design 13 male volunteers were studied in two different regimens: i) drinking of 36 g alcohol daily and ii) drinking only non-alcoholic beverages, to test whether alcohol-induced increase of HDL cholesterol can affect cholesterol efflux (CHE) from cell culture of labeled human macrophages. Alcohol consumption induced significant (p<0.05) increases of HDL cholesterol from 1.25±0.32 to 1.34±0.38 mmol/l and Apo A1 from 1.34±0.16 to 1.44±0.19 g/l. These changes were combined with a slight increase of cholesterol efflux from 13.8±2.15 to 14.9±1.85 % (p=0.059). There were significant correlations between individual changes of HDL-C and Apo A1 concentrations and individual changes of CHE (0.51 and 0.60, respectively). In conclusion, moderate alcohol consumption changes the capacity of plasma to induce CHE only at a border line significance., I. Králová Lesná ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The review aims to summarize current knowledge on the effects of moderate alcohol consumption ( 1 standard drink a day for women; 2 drinks a day for men) on triglyceride concentration in circulation. Current evidence suggests that the relationship between alcohol consumption and triglyceridemia is J -shaped. Triglyceridemia is lowest in subjects who drink 10 -20 g/alcohol a day. Such a J -shaped association is comparable with that described for the relationship between alcohol and cardiovascular risk. On the contrary, alcohol taken with a meal increases and prolongs postprandi al triglyceridemia. Such effects of alcohol consumption may be at least partially explained by the effects of ethanol on lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. Long -term moderate alcohol consumption increases LPL activity, which may explain its TG -lowering effect. On the other hand, LPL activity is acutely downregulated by ethanol, which explains increased postprandial triglyceridemia., J. Kovář, K. Zemánková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V období ranej adolescencie patria rodičia a ich správanie k významným faktorom, ktoré môžu napomôcť predchádzaniu rizikovému správaniu dospievajúcich. K najčastejším formám rizikového správania v tomto období patrí fajčenie a konzumácia alkoholu. Prvým cieľom štúdie je sledovať rozdiely v percepcii s rizikovým správaním súvisiacich faktorov medzi adolescentmi a ich matkami/ otcami. Druhým cieľom je sledovať vzťah medzi premennými súvisiacimi so správaním rodičov (percipované adolescentom) a fajčením a užívaním alkoholu u dospievajúcich. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 580 dospievajúcich (priemerný vek 12,51; SD = 0,59; 51,1 % dievčat), 217 matiek a 150 otcov. Vo všetkých sledovaných premenných, s výnimkou trávenia spoločného času, boli identifikované významné rozdiely medzi percepciou dospievajúcich a rodičov. Výsledky logistickej regresie ukazujú, že najvýznamnejším faktorom súvisiacim s pravdepodobnosťou fajčenia a pitia alkoholu je percipované schvaľovanie takéhoto správania zo strany rodičov. Zdá sa, že bez ohľadu na to, akým spôsobom sa rodičia snažia ovplyvňovať rizikové správanie dospievajúcich, najdôležitejšie je zabezpečiť, aby adolescenti skutočne vnímali postoj rodičov voči alkoholu/cigaretám ako nesúhlasný. Získané výsledky by mohli byť aplikovateľné aj pre učiteľov a iných významných dospelých, ktorí sú v pravidelnom kontakte s dospievajúcimi. and During the early adolescence period the parental behaviour belongsto one of the most important factors that may help to avoid adolescent risk behaviour. Among the most prevalent forms of risk behaviour in early adolescence are smoking and alcohol consumption. The first aim of this study is to explore discrepancies between parental and adolescent perceptions of several factors related to risk behaviour. The second aim of the study is to explore relationship between parental behaviour (as perceived by adolescents) and adolescents smoking and alcohol consumption. Research sample consisted of 580 adolescents (mean age 12.51, SD=0.59; 51.1% girls), 217 mothers and 150 fathers. In all studied all variables but spending free time, showed, significant differences between the perception of adolescents and their mothers /fathers were found with an exception of parental companionship. Results of logistic regression show that the most important factor that is associated with probability of smoking and drinking in early adolescence is perceived parental approval of such behaviour. It seems to be, that regardless of the way how parents try to prevent adolescents risk behaviour, the most important is to show clear and consistent disapproval of such behaviour. Our results may be applied also for teachers and significant others that are in contact with adolescents.