The purpose of the article is a brief characterisation of the role of the tradition established by Cyril and Methodius in the life of the Slovenian nation in the 19th and 20th centuries. The major promoter of adoration of St. Cyril and Methodius in Slovenia was bishop Anton Martin Slomšek (1800-1862), who in the mid-19th century even established and developed contacts with certain catholically oriented intellectuals in Moravia, primarily with František Sušil. The strong position of the Cyril and Methodius cult has been preserved among Slovenians until the present day.
Příspěvek pojednává o rozvoji vztahů mezi Jernejem Kopitarem a českou intelektuální elitou v letech 1808−1844. Zabýváme se třemi typy těchto vztahů: kontakt se Zlobickým, s Dobrovským a kontakt s romantiky. Tyto vztahy podstatně ovlivňovala Kopitarova osobnost a český nacionalismus. I přesto, že se mezi Kopitarem a českými intelektuály stupňovaly rozpory, získávaly obě strany ve všech fázích vzájemných vztahů důležité poznatky o slavistice a literatuře. and The paper deals with the development of relations between Jernej Kopitar and Czech intellectual elite in the period 1808–1844. These relations had three stages: connection with Zlobický, connection with Dobrovský and connection with the Romanticists. They were mainly influenced by Kopitar's personality and Czech nationalism that were in fact in ever greater antagonism, but they nevertheless yielded important results for Slavic studies and literature in all phases.