The essential point for seismological observation in the northern part of Moravia, Czech Republic, is a permanent seismic station Ostrava - Krásné Pole (OKC) that is a part of the Czech regional seismological network (hereafter CRSN). Institute o f Geonics AS CR, v.v.i., has also operated temporary seismic stations in this region since 1997. Current seismological stations are located in an abandoned mine working located in Zlaté Hory and in cellars in Klokočov and castle Raduň near Opava. The natural seismicity is after the swarm of microearthquakes in the vicinity of Opava in 1993 very low now. In region under discussion, seismic manifestations generated by mining induced seismicity in Upper Silesian Coal Basin (both Karviná an d Polish parts) and in Legnica-Głogów Copper District (LGOM) are also detected. Significant part of observations in this region is made by the Institute of Physics of the Earth (hereafter IPE), Masaryk University Brno, and about 1000 microearthquakes have been detected during the last ten years with maximum local magnitude up to 1.9., Zdeněk Kaláb, Jaromír Knejzlík and Karel Holub., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
In the contribution geological structure and geophysical data along the northern part of the Diendorf-Čebín tectonic zone (DCTZ) is analyzed in relation to the position of the measured GPS test areas and precise levelling profiles. For this purposes the former geophysical data have been reambulated and analyzed, too. Revision of geological knowledge and sources has been done in places of the proposed polygons. The results of reinterpretation of the Grav/Mag data and selected seismic reflection profiles suggest new possibilities and variety of structural interpretations of this tectonic zone. It is evident that the whole tectonic system has undergone complicated tectonic development during the Paleogene and Neogene. Therefore the recent mapping and analyses by GPS and precise levelling have to be realized in places where the geological structural ambiguity has to be eliminated., Lubomil Pospíšil, Otakar Švábenský, Josef Weigel and Michal Witiska., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Studie Jiří Sehnala se zabývá rukopisným inventářem z kostela Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Moravské Třebové a na jeho základě se také věnuje otázkám prolínání katolického a evangelického hudebního materiálu na Moravě v první polovině 17. století., Jiří Sehnal., Rubrika: Studie, and Německé resumé na s. 77, anglický abstrakt na s. 55.
The Moravia territory has been the subject of geokinematic investigation within scope of several realized research projects and repeated GPS campaigns since 1992. The monitoring has been concentrated on all the Moravia region as well as on particular areas of interest concerning the eventual possible geodynamic changes (Králický Sněžník Massif, Diendorf-Čebín Tectonic Zone (DCTZ) and others). At present time all the territory is covered by several tenths of permanent and epoch GNSS stations. Long observation time series at permanent stations alone are not sufficient for delivering the regional velocity field of sufficient density. On the other hand, epoch stations are more densely spread but periods of repeated observations are less frequent and often the data processing is not homogeneous. In the paper the preliminary kinematic model is briefly described which gives for the first time the general view of movement tendencies at the region of Moravia. On base of long-term monitoring it shows that the Southern Moravia region is more active then it was supposed., Lubomil Pospíšil, Otakar Švábenský and Josef Weigel., and Obsahuje bibliografii