Tento článek se věnuje historickému kontextu vzniku a přijetí teorému Cauchyho-Kowalevské a teorému Noetherové, dvou jedinečných výsledků, které zásadně ovlivnily moderní matematiku i matematickou a teoretickou fyziku. Autorkami těchto teorémů jsou dvě ženy, Sofie Kowalevská a Emmy Noetherová, které si v době, kdy ženy jen stěží dosahovaly vyššího vzdělání, svým talentem, houževnatostí a úsilím dokázaly vybojovat místo ve vědeckém světě a navždy se zapsaly do historie přírodních věd., The article covers the historical context ot the establishment and recognition of the Cauchy-Kowalevsky theorem and Noether theorem, two unique research results, which have essentially influenced modern mathematics, and mathematical and theoretical physics. The authors of theorems are two women, Sofie Kowalevsky and Emmy Noether who in a time when women barely reached higher education, achieved positions in the scientific world and forever influenced the history of natural sciences., Eliška Beránková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Sofia Kovalevskaya was not only a great Russian mathematician, but also a writer and advocate of women's rights in the 19th century. After concluding her sexondary schooling, Sofia was determined to continue her education at the university level. She travelled to Heidelberg to study mathematics, but discovered there that as a woman she could not graduate. In 1870 she moved to Berlin to study with Karl Meierstrass, in 1874 she was granted a Ph.D. from the Göttingen University. In 1883 she received an invitation from Gösta Mittag-Leffler to lecture at the University of Stockholm. Sophia's most famous work is on the theory of partial differential equations, and on the rotation of a solid body about a fixed point. Sophia died very young, at the age of 41, from pneumonia., Ivo Kraus., and Obsahuje bibliografii