The taxonomy of European Eristalinus syrphid flies is reviewed. New data on their life histories, biological notes and a key to species using pupal characters are provided. The larvae and puparia of Eristalinus taeniops (Wiedemann, 1818) and Eristalinus megacephalus (Rossi, 1794) are described for the first time, including new morphological characters of the thoracic respiratory process of all species. The morphology of the male genitalia of E. megacephalus is described and compared with that of E. taeniops.
The results of our morphological studies of the male genitalia and molecular data (mitochondrial COI and nuclear 28S rDNA) do not support the traditional adult classification based on the patterning on the eyes (fasciate vs punctate). We present a phylogeny of the species based on molecular data. The molecular and morphological data indicate that the relationship between some species with punctate eyes and those with fasciate eyes may be closer than with other species with punctate eyes. Moreover the results of the molecular studies support two clades, which does not accord with the traditional arrangement of this group of Syrphidae.
Accordingly we propose that the characters of male genitalia stated by Kanervo in 1938 (but subsequently largely ignored) for arranging the European species of the Eristalinus-Eristalodes-Lathyrophthalmus complex, are suitable for classifying these species.
Whereas the classification of plant communities has a long tradition that of animal assemblages remains poorly developed. Here we propose a classification scheme for orthopteran communities based on regional "character species", "differential species" and "attendant species" at different levels of habitat complexity, which is also applicable to other insect groups. In this context there are three main points of special importance: (i) the geographical reference area, (ii) the hierarchical spatial level (e.g. habitat complex, habitat and microhabitat) and (iii) precise constancy criteria for the definition of character species and differential species. We develop this new approach using a study on orthopteran communites of central German semi-dry calcareous grasslands. Within this habitat, we describe seven structural types that are characterized by specific orthopteran communities. For the arrangement of the structural types several environmental parameters (e.g. height and density of vegetation) were collected. Orthopteran densities were sampled at 80 sites using a biocoenometer (box quadrat). Regional character species of semi-dry grasslands include Myrmeleotettix maculatus, Metrioptera brachyptera, Stenobothrus lineatus and Tetrix tenuicornis. Within this habitat, Chorthippus parallelus, Metrioptera roeselii, Omocestus viridulus, Pholidoptera griseoaptera and Tettigonia viridissima were designated as differential species for particular structural types. Furthermore, Tettigonia cantans and Tettigonia viridissima act as altitudinal differential species. Chorthippus biguttulus is the only attendant species with high constancy values in all structural types. This classification is a powerful tool for arthropod conservation, since it allows one to determine community completeness of very important and threatened habitats, like semi-dry calcareous grasslands.
Stať se zabývá trávením volného času. Nejprve uvádíme význam trávení volného času a odpovídající sociologickými koncepty. V empirické části analyzujeme data z mezinárodního výzkumu ISSP 2007 – Volný čas a sport. Popisujeme frekvenci 13 volnočasových aktivit a spolu s vnímanými funkce volného času je srovnáváme s 18 evropskými zeměmi. V následující části nejprve pomocí klastrové analýzy rozkrýváme strukturu volnočasových aktivit v České republice, identifikovány byly tři hlavní životní styly: (1) kulturní a sportovní aktivity mimo domov typické pro mladou generaci, (2) nakupování, navštěvování příbuzných, sledování TV a čtení příznačnou pro ženy a (3) domácí práce/kutilství charakteristické pro muže. Na závěr pomocí multinominální logistické regrese identifikujeme nositele těchto životních stylů z hlediska sociodemografických charakteristik., The article focuses on leisure activities in the Czech Republic. After the introductory part defining leisure and its functions, data from the international research ISSP 2007 Leisure and Sport are analyzed. Frequencies of 13 leisure acti - vities and perceived functions of leisure are described and the Czech results are briefly compared with the average of 18 European countries. Then attention is paid to the structure of leisure activities in the Czech society. Three main leisure clus - ters, i.e. types of lifestyle, were identified: (1) cultural and sporting activities outside home, (2) “female” culture (shopping, watching TV, reading books and visiting relatives), (3) “home-loving” style of life (doing handicrafts and do-it-yourself). The main sociodemographic characteristics of their followers are delineated using multinominal logistic regression., and Jiří Šafr, Věra Patočková.
Data on external ultrastructure of myxospores and internal ultrastructure of advanced pseudoplasmodia and myxospores of topotypic samples of Sphaerospora ranae (Morelle, 1929) from Rana dalmatina Bonaparte are provided, together with in situ hybridisation results. In both frogs examined, the infection was restricted to renal tubules and corpuscles. The infection site restriction was confirmed by light and transmission electron microscopy, as well as by in situ hybridisation. In addition, large myxospore masses measuring up to 500 μm were detected in seminal vesicles. Only late-sporogonic stages, i.e. pseudoplasmodia harbouring immature and/or mature myxospores, were observed and analysed. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that spores have smooth surface with exception of posterior valvular bulges, which possess numerous outwards opening internal canals. As revealed by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the canals are continuous invaginations of the outer spore surface. Myxospores of S. ranae are characterised by the presence of two uninucleate sporoplasms, bilayered polar capsules, S/H-shaped polar filaments in transversal section and multilayered polar filament eversion pole plugging complex. Ultrastructural observations are discussed in the context of available data for other species of Sphaerospora sensu stricto and apparent synchronisation of myxospore shedding with a brief aquatic breeding phase of vertebrate intermediate host is highlighted.
The food composition of noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) was investigated using droppings analyses methods (29 samples/ 322 pellets) over two winters (2001/2002 and 2002/2003) in ten urban and rural localities in Central Europe (Slovakia, Czech Republic). Two orders of arachnids (Araneida, Acarina) and nine orders of insects (Homoptera, Heteroptera, Psocoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Siphonaptera) were identified in the droppings. The most important order in all samples was Lepidoptera (mean F = 53 %, mean V = 35 %), followed by Diptera (F = 38 %, V = 12 %), Coleoptera (F = 21 %, V = 9 %) and Araneida (F = 15 %, V = 3 %). Differences were found in the composition of the most important food components among two urban and one rural locality as well as in the portion of secondary components (hair, slime). Regarding seasonal changes in the food composition, three periods were identified in winter – the beginning (November – January), the middle (February) and the end of the season (March). Some seasonal trends could be identified in the Diptera and Coleoptera, with a decrease in frequency and volume in the middle of the winter. The most important food component (Lepidoptera) showed no seasonal trend over winter. The bats could hunt insects outside or collect them also very probably directly in the shelters.