Na parcele v sev. části Nového Města pražského byly dokumentovány relikty částečně zahloubeného, kůlovou konstrukcí neseného domu z pokročilého 12. či z poč. 13. století. Dnes jde již o jeden z mnoha takových dokladů intenzivního osídlení této části tehdejší pražské aglomerace. Výjimečná je možnost datování objektu díky nádobě s obětinou vsazené do jeho podlahy. Zánik budovy autoři kladou do kontextu událostí, které tento prostor v okolí kostela sv. Klimenta postihly ve 30. letech 13. stol. v souvislosti s panovnickým záměrem založit (první) Město pražské. Chronologicky následný doklad využití pozemku představuje odpadní jímka, jejíž obsah aktualizuje zprávy o utváření zdejšího předměstí z 1. pol. 14. století. Zlomky skleněných nádob z jímky svědčí o úrovni stolování ekonomicky nikoli nadprůměrné pražské domácnosti i o sortimentu dutého skla na pražském trhu ve 14. století. and On a lot in the northern part of the New Town in Prague, the remains of a partly sunken building from the 12th century, or the start of the 13th century, were excavated. The ever increasing numbers of finds of such features are evidence of the intensity of settlement in this part of the early medieval Prague agglomeration, only in this case dating is possible on the basis of a vessel, containing offerings, set in the floor. The authors situate the demise of the building within the context of events that affected this area in the 1230s, in connection with the sovereign’s plan to establish the (first) Town of Prague. Another unearthed feature was a cesspit: its content corresponds with contemporary reports about sudden formation of these outskirts during the first half of the 14th century. Fragments of glass vessels from this cesspit testify to the standard of dining in the household, which for Prague standards was not above average, and to the variety of blown glass in the Prague market in the 14th century.
This article evaluates once more the historiographic and literary images of John of Bohemia and his son Charles IV in Italian texts from the 14th and early 15th centuries. What we find is a peculiar mixture of criticism and apotheosis, sometimes stated by the same authors, depending on the point in time they were writing, and of course the expectations of their potential readers. While John of Bohemia faced overwhelming expectations from Dante after the death of his father, he was branded a naïve yet greedy papal mercenary from the beginning of his Italian Expedition in the early 1330s. His son was more successful in avoiding negative stereotypes and harsh criticisms during his Italian expeditions in his youth, as well as in 1354/55 and 1368/69. In the end, however, even chroniclers that are traditionally considered to have had a positive view of the Luxemburg king and emperor harshly rejected his political actions in Italy. Most of the time, this is connected with the financial interests all foreign monarchs had when establishing temporary rulerships in Italian cities, and the monetary pressures this bore on their citizens; the worn-out cliché, both of contemporaries and historical researchers, that labelled foreign, Central European monarchs as barbaric intruders, could hardly be confirmed. Charles and his father are blamed for being unable to solve the structural problems of Italian and Imperial politics.