In the terrestrial bromeliad, Puya floccosa, a value of carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of -22‰ has been previously reported, suggesting the operation of weak and/or intermediate (C3-CAM) crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). In order to characterize the operation of CAM in P. floccosa and its possible induction by drought, plants were grown in Caracas and subjected to four independent drought cycles. Additionally, since plants of this species grow in Venezuela in a large range of elevations, leaf samples were collected at elevations ranging from 725 to 2,100 m a.s.l. in the Venezuelan Andes and the Coastal Range, in order to evaluate the effect of elevation on CAM performance. Even though nocturnal acid accumulation occurred in both watered and droughted plants, mean ΔH+ was higher in droughted than watered plants [ΔH+ = 60.17.5 and 22.9 ± 5.2 μmol g-1(FM), respectively]. The majority of plants from all the natural populations sampled had low values of δ13C not differing significantly from those of C3 plants collected as standards and δ13C did not change with elevation. We conclude that P. floccosa is capable of a weak CAM activity, with a large variability among populations and drought experiments probably due to local and temporal differences in microclimatic variables and drought stress; elevation bears no influence on values of δ13C in this species. and A. Herrera ... [et al.].
Botanická zahrada v Rio de Janeiru je zajímavým východiskem k pozorování bromeliovitých rostlin. Nachází se v oblasti obzvláště bohaté na zástupce čeledi Bromeliaceae. Zvláštní kapitola je věnována robustním druhům rodu Alcantarea a jejich ekologii. Je zmíněn slavný zahradní architekt Roberto Burle Marx, který uvedl druh Alcantarea imperialis do svých věhlasných zahradních aranžmá., The Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro is an interesting starting point for observation of bromeliads. It is located in an area particularly rich in species of the family Bromeliaceae. An emphasis is given to robust species of the genus Alcantarea and their ecology. Roberto Burle Marx, a famous garden and park designer, is mentioned because he introduced the species A. imperialis in his well-known garden arrangements., and Miloslav Studnička.