This contribution deals with the so-called sociotopography of a specific example of the town of Český Brod in the 18th century. Firstly, its methods in relation to historical urban topography are briefly presented. One of the means of researching the history of everyday life and social history is by conducting an analysis of the appurtenances of civic households. This means that this study of the situation in Baroque period Český Brod can also be regarded as a contribution to the general knowledge of the culture and everyday life of royal cities in Bohemia during the Baroque period. The study is based on inheritance inventories, as they are a universal and very well-organized contemporary source related to the topic. The author analysed approximately twenty inheritance inventories from the town of Český Brod. Based on this research, he divided the local civic households into three social groups.
This paper analyses the significance of the cultural struggle for Social Democracy in the Czech lands in the early 20th century from an ideological and tactical perspective and forms a connection between debates on the role of the socialists in the so-called cultural struggle and debates of the time concerning the position of Social Democracy and its role in society.
The arbitration proceedings that took place in 1482 represent the lowest point in the relationships between Frederick III and two of his most important mercenary captains at the time. While the mercenaries claimed for promised pay and damages, Frederick III sued for damages caused by the mercenaries while in his service. The analysis of the court records highlights how both important and complex the role of scribality was in the process of conflict resolution. It both extended and constricted the scope of action, enabled arguments to be posed and debated, lent structure to legal proceedings, and was itself a matter of concern in the trial. Opting to resolve conflicts through arbitration was not necessarily a given, for Frederick III as a party rarely took part in such proceedings. This case study, however, demonstrates how in certain circumstances the Emperor perceived abitration as an effective means to an end.
This study analyses an epigraphic collection of 11 surviving sepulchres from the 16th to 17th century, located on the left under the choir loft in St. Kunhuta's church in the village of Hostěradice, district of Znojmo. Following lines bring information about their history (all original stations), descriptions of the individual monuments, the transliteration of the sepulchral inscriptions including a critical commentary. A summary of all the pieces of knowledge and their mutual comparison is presented in final part of the article. Special attention is also paid to the form of the inscriptions. The study is supplemented by selected photographs of the sepulchres.
This study deals with the question of responses to the work of the founder and leading representative of British conservative thought Edmund Burke. It focuses in particular on political theorists who have not only considered Burke's work but have also managed to view their responses to it within the continuity of a tradition stretching back to the beginnings of political thought with Plato, Aristotle and Aquinas. The author therefore concentrates on figures such as Leo Strauss, Harvey C. Mansfield and Alasdair MacIntyre.
JUC Šebastián Sutor, who worked in Brno between the years 1647 and 1666 as an urban syndic, compiled a unique office order pertaining to the principles of the administration and managing a registry. In this study, the author analyses these principles and, in the context of the research, other official municipal sources of that time and indicates that only documents of an economic and accounting character were exempted from direct supervision of the city council in the 17th century and were administered through the city accounting office (Buchhalterei). The author also states that Sutor's office order, which has not thus far been subjected to any kind of research activity, is unique testimony to, at that time, the very progressive practices of the Brno syndic. These practices were followed in Brno long before they were observed in other cities and foreshadowed 'bureaucratization' of the 18th century in the sense of the orderly management of documents.
The paper is focused on an analysis of eight manuscripts of the Bavarian editions of Wenceslas legend Crescente fide (c. 970) from the period before the year 1200 (today Admont, Munich, Zurich, and the Vatican). The result is the finding that the text spreads especially in the Bavarian area; we know with certainty that the two manuscripts were created in Admont, one was copied in Tegernsee, respectively in Benediktbeuren and the other two may be connected (at least on the basis of paleographic arguments) also with the Bavarian environment. Furthermore we know on basis of the comparison of transcripts that manuscripts Admont 412, Admont 654, CLM 4605 (Benediktbeuren) and CLM 18547b (Tegernsee) are mutually related, while the manuscript of unknown origin CLM 332 is textually close to the Vatican Reginensis Latinus 498. Due to the fact, that it would be difficult to trace the linkage of the majority of manuscripts on the Czech or Moravian environment, it seems more likely that the text spreads through a limited number of Bavarian religious centers (Nieder Alta?, Regensburg?). and Wir haben uns mit acht ältesten Handschriften der Legende Crescente fide beschäftigt, die um 970 um die Stadt Regensburg oder in Prag verfasst worden sei. Sie sind in München, Admont, Zürich und Vatikan aufbewahrt. Die Analyse der Handschriftenüberlieferung hat gezeigt, dass sie besonders mit dem bayerischen Raum verknüpft worden sind – mit Sicherheit wurde der Text in Tegernsee und Benediktbeuren abgeschrieben; vielleicht sind die weiteren zwei Handschriften in Admont entstanden. Wir wissen auch, dass die Hss. Admont 412 und 654 mit den Hss. CLM 4605 und CLM 18547b miteinander verwandt sind. Demgegenüber steht CLM 332 dem Vatic. Reginensis Latinus 498 nahe. Weiter können wir voraussetzen, dass es nur wenige Kirchenzentren gab, durch die die Ehre zum hl. Wenzel (und das Wissen über Böhmen) vermittelt worden ist.