Meteorological parameters inside and outside an open-top chamber (OTC) fumigation facility were recorded and the primary photosynthetic response of four tree species measured with chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence emission. Parameters extracted from the Chl a fluorescence transient were used to calculate photosynthetic activity of the leaves using a performance index. Measurements were made during the night throughout a single growing season. The seasonal primary photosynthetic performance in all species was significantly altered by growth in the OTCs, and the degree of response was dependent upon the species. Wind was an important effectual component of the altered environment. The average temperature was consistently 1.94±0.70 °C higher within the OTCs, whereas wind speed fluctuated substantially more between inside and outside the OTCs (0 to 8 m -1). There was a correlation between the photosynthetic performance index and wind speed in Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, and Prunus serotina. The response to wind was also particular to each species; the photosynthetic performance of F. sylvatica increased with wind speed (1 to 7 m s-1), decreased with F. excelsior (0 to 6.5 m s-1) and P. serotina (0 to 5.5 m s-1). Abies alba, in contrast, was almost insensitive to wind. A model was proposed and tested for the conversion of the photosynthetic performance values collected in OTCs to predict the photosynthetic performance outside OTCs. The wide variety of responses to wind and temperature of the four species conformed to linear functions that describe the relationship of the wind speed and temperature responses with the difference in photosynthetic performance between the OTC and open environments. Specific coefficients for wind and temperature were proposed. The photosynthetic response to wind of each species depends on its ecophysiological specialisation. and A. J. Clark ... [et al.].
Chráněná krajinná oblast Beskydy je charakteristická zachovalými pralesovitými porosty i pastvinami, jež po staletí obhospodařovali místní lidé. Množství dnes už vzácných a z krajiny mizejících biotopů představuje útočiště řady ohrožených organismů včetně mnoha druhů brouků. Významnou skupinou jsou především druhy žijící v tlejícím dřevě a pod kůrou mrtvých stromů. Díky nezanedbatelnému zastoupení jedle bělokoré (Abies alba) i množství dostupné odumřelé dřevní hmoty můžeme dodnes v beskydských rezervacích nalézt brouky, kteří již na téměř celém území České republiky vyhynuli., Well-preserved remnants of old-growth forests and pastures managed for hundreds of years are typical for this area. A substantial representation of fir trees and large volumes of decaying wood support populations of several beetle species considered extremely rare/extinct in other parts of the Czech Republic. A few species have gone extinct in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids, mainly because of the abandonment of traditional management. Other species have recently been recorded in this area for the first time., and Jiří Procházka, Jiří Schlaghamerský.