The West Bohemia earthquake swarm foci are approximated by a circular seismic source model, which radius is assumed to depend only on magnitude of the event. We consider two different models of average slip (i) a constant slip and (ii) a slip exponentially scaled to the magnitude of the event. Based on these assumptions, we stacked the contributions of individual events into representative final fault slip. We processed in such a way four significant swarms recorded during the last three decades in 1986, 1997, 2000 and 2008. Constant slip model indicates final slip was composed of 2 or 3 principal asperities located on one or two different planes. On the contrary, scaled slip model indicates that one big asperity prevails. It is not possible yet to select the preferred slip model. Analysis of the temporal activity of all swarms generally shows three principal phases: starting phase, main phase and fading phase; the upwards trend of activity spreading was observed (slip animation is presented in www supplement The maximal possible cumulative slip value may have reached the order of meters., Petr Kolář, Bohuslav Růžek, Alena Boušková and Josef Horálek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
II, Díl I místopisu, [Čís. 42], Místopis Moravy. Brněnský kraj. Tišnovský okres, napsal Václav Oharek ; za vydání odpovídá Augustin Kratochvíl, Rozložená tit. s., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
II, Díl I [i.e. V] místopisu, Č. 78 [i.e. 68?] a 56, Místopis Moravy. Olomoucký kraj. Unčovský a Rýmařovský okres, napsal Pinkava Viktor ; za vydání odpovídá Augustin Kratochvíl, Rozložená tit. s., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
Díl I, Přírodní památky střední a severní Moravy, Přírodní poměry župy olomoucké, uspořádali Norbert Černý a Rudolf Pelíšek, Na rozložené titulní stránce varianta názvu části: Přírodní poměry střední a severní Moravy, and Obsahuje bibliografie a rejstříky
The purpose of this work was to detect groundwater pollution and to identify the conditions of soil and groundwater near the coal waste disposal "Panewniki" Halemba-Wirek Coal Mine using geoelectrical measurements. The firs t applied method was the VLF (Very Low Frequency) technique. This method, using military signals, allowed to perform the in-phase and the quadrature maps. Data were collected from four study areas located near the coal waste dump. Observed anomalies on both maps for each area showed places with different conductivity al lowed to detect the contaminated and uncontaminated zones. The VLF survey indicated that the contamination occurs in the eastern part of study area and is characterized by positive values of both measured electrical fields (the in-phase and the quadrature components). After preliminary contaminated zones were recognized using VLF met hod, an electrical imaging meth od was applied. Two electrical imaging profiles were carried out near the waste dump. The measurements a llowed to create the geoele ctrical model of surrounding area and to investigate the leachate plume. The electrical imaging showed that the greatest pollution occur in the area immediately adjacent to the coal waste what is confirmed by VL F survey. Based on the geological and ge ophysical knowledge from archives and on present researches, the contaminated aquifer with electrical resistivity of 5 to 15 Ω m deposited at depths of 3 to 7 m was found., Arlena Kowalska, Marta Kondracka and Maciej Jan Mendecki., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
V článku jsou popsány různé moderní techniky, které lze využít pro studium biologických objektů v jantaru. Jde především o digitální fotografii v denním a infračerveném světle, skenování ve stolních skenerech, optickou a elektronovou mikroskopii, konfokální mikroskopii, mikroradiografii a rentgenovou mikrotomografii. Kombinace těchto technik může přispět k hlubšímu poznání fosilních inkluzí v jantaru., This paper describes various modern techniques used to study biological objects in amber. Those techniques include digital photography in daylight and in near-infrared light, scanning in desktop scanners, optical and electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, microradiography and X-ray microtomography. A combination of these techniques could contribute to a deeper understanding of fossil inclusions in amber., and František Weyda ... [et al.].