The conference organized under the auspices of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Lubomír Zaorálek, was held on the 13-14th April 2016. It aimed at addresing the issues of overcoming global threats, developing inter-cultural and intra-cultural dialogue, including inter-religious and intra-religious respect and discussions, enhancing justice, mutual cooperation and stability. The conference was attended by Czech and foreign experts in social sciences and humanities, ambassadors of EU countries and Muslim states as well journalists. The theme of global threats requires an analysis and ideas for finding solutions to various cultural, social, political, religious, military and other conflicts. and Marina Hužvárová.
The world well known theoretist Andranik M. Migraňjan, member of the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, visited the AS CR in the middle of June. He spoke about international relations and also home politics. The hot topic was the projected establishment of an American radar base in the Czech Republic. The Russian side considers the radar base in the Czech Republic and important problem, Andranik M. Migraňjan said. and Aleš Kubeczka.
The text analyzes the discourse on sovereignty in the Czech politics in the light of current processes of the transformation of sovereignty caused by the globalization and Europeanization. The author discusses the dispute between liberal-conservative critics of the European integration and cosmopolitan critics of the sovereign statehood and points to the limits of both positions. It is argued that the conservatives who warn against the loss of sovereignty in the ongoing process of Europeanization and who call for the protection of the Czech statehood cling to an obsolete and invalid concept of sovereignty that is no longer adequate to changing social and geopolitical conditions. Similarly, it is pointed out that the defenders of cosmopolitan Europe who take sovereignty to be an old and useless category hindering the process of democratization are unable to offer an alternative capable of responding to growing concerns regarding the democratic deficit and the loss of political autonomy. The text tries to show that both positions misconstrue the challenges of globalization and Europeanization for the state and democracy., Petra Gümplová., and Obsahuje bibliografii