Kamil Krofta. and Předneseno na slavnostní schůzi České akademie véd a umíní. Král. české společnosti nauk, Slovanského ústavu a Orientálního ústavu, konané na počest osmdesátých narozenin presidenta T. G. Masaryka v Pantheonu Národného musea dne 6. března 1930.
Almost any Czech you ask about the most significant years containing "eight" in Czech history would be able to name at least three: 1918, 1938 and 1968. It is indisputable that all of these historic milestones were of great importance to the fate of out nation. The last three articles are thematically focused on the politics of our statesmen Masaryk, Beneš or Štefánik during the Christmas. and Josef Harna.
In this review study, the author above all observes the new perspectives on the philosophy of religion of T. G. Masaryk put forward in the book by M. Dokulil under review. He points to the multidisplinary approach (philosophy, theology, religious studies, ethics, sociology, psychology, selected natural sciences) of M. Dokulil, which is made possible by his immense erudition. The author of the study, together with the author of the book under review, refutes the frequently voiced opinion that would treat T. G. Masaryk as a thinker of the 19th century, significant only in his own time (and not a real philosopher at all), and on the contrary he attempts to show that Masaryk’s ideas and approach are still highly relevant. and Zdeněk Novotný.