Metody sekvenování nové generace (NGS) poprvé vnesly hlubší pohled do diverzity lidského střevního mikrobiálního ekosystému, jehož velikost je nečekaně veliká. Poměr lidských a mikrobiálních buněk se pohybuje v rozmezí od 1:1 až po 1:100 a lze říci, že jak lidé, tak i další savci žijí ve složitých konsorciích složených z virů, archaeí a bakterií tvořící mikrobiom spolu s mikroskopickými houbami a jednobuněčnými a mnohobuněčnými eukaryoty, tj. prvoky a helminty. Největší pozornost je prozatím věnována bakteriálnímu mikrobiomu představujícímu možná nejvíce různorodý segment ekosystému lidského těla., The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods has brought a deeper insight into the diversity of a human intestinal microbial ecosystem. The ratio of human and microbial cells ranges from 1:1 to 1:100. One might say that humans (and other mammals) live in a complex consortium of viruses, bacteria, archaea - forming what is known as a microbiome - together with microscopic fungi, unicellular and metazoan eukaryotes (protists and helminths). Most attention has so far been paid to the bacterial microbiome that signifies perhaps the most diverse segment of the ecosystem of human body., and Jan Votýpka, Kateřina Jirků Pomajbíková.
The physiological significance of serotonin released into the intestinal lumen for the regulation of motility is unknown in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of serotonin infused into the lumen of the gastric antrum, duodenum or the jejunum, on antro-duodeno-jejunal contractility in healthy human volunteers. Manometric recordings were obtained and the effects of either a standard meal, continuous intravenous infusion of serotonin (20 nmol/kg/min) or intraluminal bolus infusions of graded doses of serotonin (2.5, 25 or 250 nmol) were compared. In addition, platelet-depleted plasma levels of serotonin, blood pressure, heart rate and electrocardiogram were evaluated. All subjects showed similar results. Intravenous serotonin increased migrating motor complex phase III frequency 3-fold and migrating velocity 2-fold. Intraluminal infusion of serotonin did not change contractile activity. Platelet-depleted-plasma levels of serotonin increased 2-fold following both intravenous and high doses of intraluminal infusions of serotonin. All subjects reported minor short-lived adverse effects following intravenous serotonin stimulation, while only half of the subjects reported minor short-lived adverse effects following intraluminal serotonin stimulations. We conclude that exogenous serotonin in the lumen of the upper part of the small intestine does not seem to change antro-duodeno-jejunal contractility significantly in healthy adult volunteers., M. B. Hansen, F. Arif, H. Gregersen, H. Bruusgaard, L. Wallin., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Článek uvádí stručný přehled mechanismů působení neionizujícího elektromagnetického pole s frekvencí nižší než 300 GHz na člověka, příslušná zdravotní rizika a stanovené expoziční limity. Kromě vědecky zjištěných vlivů - ohřevu těla a dráždění nervové tkáně - jsou uvedeny i některé často diskutované hypotézy o existenci účinků velmi slabých polí, přičemž je ukázána jejich fyzikální neodůvodněnost., This paper presents a short review of interaction mechanisms of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields with frequency below 300 GHz with humans, corresponding health risks and set exposure limits. The science based mechanisms - body heating and stimulation of nervous system - are explained, along with some often discussed, but physically untenable, hypotheses on existence of low intensity field effects., Luděk Pekárek, Lukáš Jelínek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The whipworms, i.e. parasitic nematodes of the genus Trichuris Roederer, 1761, infect a variety of mammals. Apparently low diversity of primate-infecting species of Trichuris strongly contrasts with the high number of species described in other mammalian hosts. The present study addresses the diversity of whipworms in captive and free-ranging primates and humans by analysing nuclear (18S rRNA, ITS2) and mitochondrial (cox1) DNA. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that primate whipworms form two independent lineages: (i) the Trichuris trichiura (Linnaeus, 1771) clade comprised of genetically almost identical whipworms from human and other primates, which suggests the ability of T. trichiura to infect a broader range of primates; (ii) a clade containing primarily Trichuris suis Schrank, 1788, where isolates from human and various primates formed a sister group to isolates from pigs; the former isolates thus may represent of more species of Trichuris in primates including humans. The analysis of cox1 has shown the polyphyly of the genera Trichuris and Capillaria, Zeder, 1800. High sequence similarity of the T. trichiura isolates from humans and other primates suggests their zoonotic potential, although the extent of transmission between human and other non-human primates remains questionable and requires further study., Jana Doležalová, Miroslav Oborník, Eva Hajdušková, Milan Jirků, Klára J. Petrželková, Petra Bolechová, Cristina Cutillas, Rocio Callejón, Jozef Jaroš, Zuzana Beránková, David Modrý., and Obsahuje bibliografii