Simple question answering database (SQAD) created from Czech Wikipedia. Each record of SQAD consist of four files (in vertical form provided with lemmatization and POS tagging) and two metadata files.
A simple way of browsing CoNLL format files in your terminal. Fast and text-based.
To open a CoNLL file, simply run: ./view_conll sample.conll
The output is piped through less, so you can use less commands to navigate the
file; by default the less searches for sentence beginnings, so you can use "n"
to go to next sentence and "N" to go to previous sentence. Close by "q". Trees
with a high number of non-projective edges may be difficult to read, as I have
not found a good way of displaying them intelligibly.
If you are on Windows and don't have less (but have Python), run like this: python sample.conll
For complete instructions, see the README file.
You need Python 2 to run the viewer.