The objective of this paper is to simulate flow frequency distribution curves for Amazon catchments with the aim of scaling power generation from small hydroelectric power plants. Thus, a simple nonlinear rainfall-runoff model was developed with sigmoid-variable gain factor due to the moisture status of the catchment, which depends on infiltration, and is considered a factor responsible for the nonlinearity of the rainfall-runoff process. Data for a catchment in the Amazon was used to calibrate and validate the model. The performance criteria adopted were the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (R²), the RMS, the Q95% frequency flow percentage error, and the mean percentage errors ranging from Q5% to Q95%.. Calibration and validation showed that the model satisfactorily simulates the flow frequency distribution curves. In order to find the shortest period of rainfall-runoff data, which is required for applying the model, a sensitivity analysis was performed whereby rainfall and runoff data was successively reduced by 1 year until a 1.5-year model application minimum period was found. This corresponds to one hydrological year plus the 6-month long ''memory''. This analysis evaluates field work in the ungauged sites of the region. and Cieľom tohto príspevku je simulácia čiar rozdelenia prietokov pre povodia rieky Amazonka pre potreby hodnotenia premeny energie v malých hydroelektrárňach. Preto bol vyvinutý jednoduchý nelineárny zrážko-odtokový model so sigmoidálne sa meniacim zdrojovým faktorom v závislosti od obsahu vody v povodí, ktorý závisí od infiltrácie a je považovaný za faktor, spôsobujúci nelinearitu zrážkoodtokových procesov. Pre kalibráciu a validizáciu modelu boli použité údaje z povodí rieky Amazonka. Použili sme tieto hodnotiace kritériá: Nashov-Sutcliffov koeficient (R²), RMS, Q95%, chyba určenia odtoku v percentách, a priemerná percentuálna chyba v rozsahu od Q5% do Q95%. Kalibrácia a validizácia ukázala, že model simuluje čiary rozdelenia prietokov uspokojivo. Aby bolo možné nájsť najkratšie obdobie pre nájdenia závislosti zrážky - odtok, ktorá je potrebná pre aplikáciu v modeli, použili sme citlivostnú analýzu tak, že údaje zrážky - odtok boli postupne redukované o jeden rok, až kým nebolo nájdené minimálne obdobie pre aplikáciu vzťahu zrážky - odtok 1,5 roka. Toto obdobie zodpovedá jednému hydrologickému roku, plus 6 mesiacov dlhá ''pamäť''. Touto analýzou boli vyhodnotené výsledky terénnych meraní v oblastiach, kde neboli k dispozícii merania odtoku.
Controversial aspects of the conventional and widely used concept of the integral vortex strength are briefly discussed. The strength of a vortex is usually calculated as the circulation along the vortex boundary, or equivalently due to Green’s theorem, as the surface integral of vorticity over the planar vortex cross section. However, the local effect of an arbitrary ''superimposed shear'' is fully absorbed by vorticity what makes the circulation a shear-biased vortex characteristic. The present paper shows that different vortexstrength models can be derived on the basis of different local vortex intensities proposed in the literature. The outcome of these models naturally differs, even for an ideally axisymmetric vortex. Three different vortex-strength models are compared and discussed by examining the unsteady Taylor vortex. and V práci jsou stručně diskutovány sporné stránky konvenčního a široce užívaného pojetí integrální síly víru. Síla víru je obvykle počítána jako cirkulace podél hranice víru nebo ekvivalentně podle Greenovy věty jako plošný integrál vířivosti přes příčný rovinný řez vírem. Lokální efekt libovolného ''superponovaného smyku'' je však plně absorbován vířivostí, což činí z cirkulace smykově zkreslenou vírovou charakteristiku. Tento článek ukazuje, že lze odvodit různé modely síly víru na základě různých lokálních intenzit víru navržených v odborné literatuře. Výsledky těchto modelů se přirozeně liší, dokonce i pro ideálně osově symetrický vír. Na podkladě zkoumání nestacionárního Taylorova víru jsou porovnány a diskutovány tři různé modely síly víru.
Fishway design not only takes into account the swimming abilities of target fishes, but also considers the hydrodynamic characteristics within the fishway. In this study, the flow fields of one vertical-slot fishway (i.e. VSF), five T-shape fishways (i.e. TSF-1~TSF-5) and two H-shape fishways (i.e. HSF-1 and HSF-2) are numerically simulated by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and the K-Omega-SST turbulence model. The numerical results clearly indicate that the hydrodynamic properties of HSF-2 are overall superior to the remaining seven cases, in terms of the time-averaged flow pattern, the time-averaged velocity magnitude, the depth-mean timeaveraged velocity magnitude along the vertical-slot section, the volume percentages of the time-averaged velocity magnitude less than some critical values, and the distribution of the time-averaged turbulent kinetic energy. Therefore, HSF-2 is more friendly for fishes with relatively smaller sizes and weaker swimming capacities to transfer upstream. The novel HSF-2 is firstly proposed in this paper, and it is naturally designed during the process of improving the flow regime. Furthermore, the generalizability of the superiority of HSF-2 over VSF and the original T-shape fishway (i.e. TSF-1) has been exhibited with the aid of the numerical results of four operating conditions (i.e. Q = 400 L/s, 600 L/s, 800 L/s and 1000 L/s).
In passing remarks, some commentators have noted that for Nagel, physicalism is true. It has even been argued that Nagel seeks to find the best path to follow to achieve future physicalism. I advance these observations by adding that for Nagel, we should discuss the consciousness problem not in terms of physical and mental issues but in terms of our desire to include consciousness in an objective/scientific account, and we can achieve this only by revising our self-conception, i.e., folk psychology, to develop a more detached view of experience. Through the project of objective phenomenology, Nagel aims to achieve some sort of objective, detached, and scientific explanation of the subjective nature of experience. This project seeks to make the truth of physicalism intelligible and consciousness more amenable to scientific study, potentially raising an even broader concept than the one physicalism originally proposes.
Steady two-dimensional natural convection taking place in a rectangular cavity, partially filled with an isotropic porous material, has been investigated numerically using an ADI method. It is assumed that one of the vertical walls of the cavity has a ramped temperature distribution. The vorticity-stream function formulation has been used to solve the set of nonlinear partial differential equations governing the flows in the clear region and the adjoining porous region. The effects of Darcy number and Rayleigh number have been discussed in detail.
Dead-end pores are usually present in natural porous media especially in consolidated sandstone and limestone rocks. However, the presence of the dead-end pores is usually ignored. Then, the influences of the dead end pores to the flow system are also neglected. In this paper, pressure changes for the periods of transient and steady state of the dead-end pores are studied using lattice gas automata model. A simulation result is compared with the past works. They show that the model is viable to perform simulation of deadend pore pressure. Some parameters such as pressure distribution and size of neck and body of the dead-end pores are varied to examine their effects. We found that the parameters affect the rate of pressure change during transient period. In addition, the parameters also affect the pressure fluctuation during steady state period. The dead-end pores have function either as source or sink in the transient period depend on initial and injection pressures. During steady state period, the dead-end pores behave both as source and sink since the pressure in the pores fluctuates around an equilibrium pressure between the pressure of dead-end pore and that of main channel at the neck position of dead-end pore. and Takzvané mŕtve póry (neprietočné póry) sa často nachádzajú v prírodných pórovitých prostrediach, predovšetkým v skonsolidovaných pieskovcoch a vo vápencoch. Obvykle sa ich existencii nevenuje pozornosť. Pozornosť sa nevenuje ani ich vplyvu na prúdenie v tomto systéme. V tomto príspevku sú študované zmeny tlaku v mŕtvych póroch počas neustáleného a ustáleného prúdenia s použitím ''lattice gas automata'' modelu. Výsledky simulácie sme porovnali s predchádzajúcimi prácami. Výsledky naznačujú, že tento model je vhodný na simuláciu zmien tlakov v mŕtvych póroch. Vplyv niektorých parametrov, ako je rozdelenie tlakov a tvary ''krčkov'' (spojovacích pórov) ako aj mŕtvych pórov boli menené tak, aby sme mohli pozorovať ich vplyv na prúdenie. Zistili sme, že tieto parametre ovplyvňujú rýchlosť zmien tlakov počas neustáleného prúdenia. Navyše sme zistili, že tieto parametre ovplyvňujú fluktuáciu tlakov počas ustáleného prúdenia. Mŕtve póry môžu počas neustáleného prúdenia fungovať ako zdroje alebo odbery, v závislosti od počiatočného, alebo ''plniaceho'' tlaku. Počas ústáleného prúdenia sa mŕtve póry správajú ako zdroje alebo aj odbery, pretože tlak v póroch fluktuuje okolo rovnovážneho tlaku medzi tlakom v mŕtvych póroch a hlavným kanálom v závislosti od vlastností ''krčku'' mŕtveho póru.
This paper analyses the bivariate relationship between flood peaks and corresponding flood event volumes modelled by empirical and theoretical copulas in a regional context, with a focus on flood generation processes in general, the regional differentiation of these and the effect of the sample size on reliable discrimination among models. A total of 72 catchments in North-West of Austria are analysed for the period 1976-2007. From the hourly runoff data set, 25 697 flood events were isolated and assigned to one of three flood process types: synoptic floods (including long- and short-rain floods), flash floods or snowmelt floods (both rain-on-snow and snowmelt floods). The first step of the analysis examines whether the empirical peak-volume copulas of different flood process types are regionally statistically distinguishable, separately for each catchment and the role of the sample size on the strength of the statements. The results indicate that the empirical copulas of flash floods tend to be different from those of the synoptic and snowmelt floods. The second step examines how similar are the empirical flood peak-volume copulas between catchments for a given flood type across the region. Empirical copulas of synoptic floods are the least similar between the catchments, however with the decrease of the sample size the difference between the performances of the process types becomes small. The third step examines the goodness-of-fit of different commonly used copula types to the data samples that represent the annual maxima of flood peaks and the respective volumes both regardless of flood generating processes (the traditional engineering approach) and also considering the three process-based classes. Extreme value copulas (Galambos, Gumbel and Hüsler-Reiss) show the best performance both for synoptic and flash floods, while the Frank copula shows the best performance for snowmelt floods. It is concluded that there is merit in treating flood types separately when analysing and estimating flood peak-volume dependence copulas; however, even the enlarged dataset gained by the process-based analysis in this study does not give sufficient information for a reliable model choice for multivariate statistical analysis of flood peaks and volumes.
The contribution focuses on the design of a control algorithm aimed at the operative control of runoff water from a reservoir during flood situations. Management is based on the stochastically specified forecast of water inflow into the reservoir. From a mathematical perspective, the solved task presents the control of a dynamic system whose predicted hydrological input (water inflow) is characterised by significant uncertainty. The algorithm uses a combination of simulation model data, in which the position of the bottom outlets is sought via nonlinear optimisation methods, and artificial intelligence methods (adaptation and fuzzy model). The task is written in the technical computing language MATLAB using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox.
River runoff is not only a crucial part of the global water cycle, but it is also an important source for hydropower and an essential element of water balance. This study presents a system-theory-based model for river runoff forecasting taking the Hailiutu River as a case study. The forecasting model, designed for the Hailiutu watershed, was calibrated and verified by long-term precipitation observation data and groundwater exploitation data from the study area. Additionally, frequency analysis, taken as an optimization technique, was applied to improve prediction accuracy. Following model optimization, the overall relative prediction errors are below 10%. The system-theory-based prediction model is applicable to river runoff forecasting, and following optimization by frequency analysis, the prediction error is acceptable.
A one-dimensional two-zone mathematical model, comprising a pair of advection-dispersion equations coupled by a mass exchange term, is proposed to study longitudinal dispersion in channels with sequences of pools and riffles. An implicit finite-difference numerical scheme is employed, and its effectiveness is assessed with reference to known analytical solutions. Moreover, sets of longitudinal dispersion experiments were performed on various simple geometries of sequences of pools and riffles developed in a laboratory flume. The results were compared with corresponding numerical solutions to calibrate the two-zone model. and Pro studium podélné disperze v korytech s opakující se soustavou tůní a prahů byl navržen jednorozměrný dvouzónový matematický model. Model zahrnuje dvojici rovnic pro advektivní disperzi doplněných výrazem pro přenos hmoty. Byl použit implicitní model konečných diferencí a jeho vhodnost ověřena porovnáním se známým analytickým řešením. Navíc, v laboratorním žlabu byla provedena série měření podélné disperze pro různé jednoduché geometrie koryta se střídajícími se tůněmi a prahy. Pro kalibraci dvouzónového modelu byly výsledky měření porovnány s odpovídajícími matematickými řešeními.