Stať se zabývá analýzou Chagallovy poezie, jež byla psána jak v jazyce jidiš, tak rusky. Originály rusky psaných veršů se však ztratily. Čtenář a překladatel neznalý jazyka jidiš má k dispozici ruské a francouzské překlady. Může mu pomoci rovněž ikonografie Chagallových obrazů, blízká poetice jeho veršů tvořících lyrický deník. Interpretace Chagallovy poezie je dokumentována jak citacemi veršů v originále, tak prvními českými překlady z pera D. Kšicové. and The present paper analyses Marc Chagall's poems which were written either in Yiddish, or in Russian. The Russian originals were lost. The reader and the translator who doesn't know Yiddish can use the Russian and the French translations. Also the iconography of Chagall's paintings that is very close to the poetics of his poetry - a sort of lyrical diary - can help in the process of the interpretation and even of the translation of Chagall's poems. The interpretation of Chagall's poetry is documented by quotations from the original and from the first Czech translations of Chagall's poetry made by D. Ksicova.
The paper briefly outlines the reception of Russian literature of the so-called "Silver Age" focusing on Czech translation strategies. The process is divided into three stages: the first one is devoted de facto to the first half of the last century, the second to the four decades after 1948, and the third to the turn of the 20-21 centuries. In relation to the contemporary approach to the phenomenon of modern Russian literature, the contribution of the researcher and translator Danuše Kšicová to its Czech presentation and interpretation is explicitly mentioned.