The `corpipe23-corefud1.2-240906` is a `mT5-large`-based multilingual model for coreference resolution usable in CorPipe 23 <>. It is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
The model is language agnostic (no corpus id on input), so it can be in theory used to predict coreference in any `mT5` language. However, the model expects empty nodes to be already present on input, predicted by the
This model was present in the CorPipe 24 paper as an alternative to a single-stage approach, where the empty nodes are predicted joinly with coreference resolution (via, an approach circa twice as fast but of slightly worse quality.
The `corpipe24-corefud1.2-240906` is a `mT5-large`-based multilingual model for coreference resolution usable in CorPipe 24 ( It is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
The model is language agnostic (no corpus id on input), so it can be in theory used to predict coreference in any `mT5` language.
This model jointly predicts also the empty nodes needed for zero coreference. The paper introducing this model also presents an alternative two-stage approach first predicting empty nodes (via and then performing coreference resolution (via, which is circa twice as slow but slightly better.
Corpus of texts in 12 languages. For each language, we provide one training, one development and one testing set acquired from Wikipedia articles. Moreover, each language dataset contains (substantially larger) training set collected from (general) Web texts. All sets, except for Wikipedia and Web training sets that can contain similar sentences, are disjoint. Data are segmented into sentences which are further word tokenized.
All data in the corpus contain diacritics. To strip diacritics from them, use Python script contained within attached This script has two modes. We generally recommend using method called uninames, which for some languages behaves better.
The code for training recurrent neural-network based model for diacritics restoration is located at
Software for corpus linguists and text/data mining enthusiasts. The CorpusExplorer combines over 45 interactive visualizations under a user-friendly interface. Routine tasks such as text acquisition, cleaning or tagging are completely automated. The simple interface supports the use in university teaching and leads users/students to fast and substantial results. The CorpusExplorer is open for many standards (XML, CSV, JSON, R, etc.) and also offers its own software development kit (SDK).
Source code available at
Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)(EE patch 2015/05/15), obrázky z venkovského života od Henryka Sienkiewicze ; z polštiny přeložil Cyril S. Moudrý, Rok vyd. a název originálu z bibliografického katalogu 19. stol., Přívazek k: Historické arabesky / Z. Winter, and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2015/06/25)
CUBBITT En-Pl translation models, exported via TensorFlow Serving, available in the Lindat translation service (
Models are compatible with Tensor2tensor version 1.6.6.
For details about the model training (data, model hyper-parameters), please contact the archive maintainer.
Evaluation on newstest2020 (BLEU):
en->pl: 12.3
pl->en: 20.0
(Evaluated using multeval: