Corpus of texts in 12 languages. For each language, we provide one training, one development and one testing set acquired from Wikipedia articles. Moreover, each language dataset contains (substantially larger) training set collected from (general) Web texts. All sets, except for Wikipedia and Web training sets that can contain similar sentences, are disjoint. Data are segmented into sentences which are further word tokenized.
All data in the corpus contain diacritics. To strip diacritics from them, use Python script contained within attached This script has two modes. We generally recommend using method called uninames, which for some languages behaves better.
The code for training recurrent neural-network based model for diacritics restoration is located at
The Czech models for Korektor 2 created by Michal Richter, 02 Feb 2013. The models can either perform spellchecking and grammarchecking, or only generate diacritical marks. and This work was created by Michal Richter as an extension of his diploma thesis Advanced Czech Spellchecker. The models utilize MorfFlex CZ dictionary ( created by Jan Hajič and Jaroslava Hlaváčová.
Korektor is a statistical spell-checker and (occasionally) grammar-checker. It is released under 2-Clause BSD license
Korektor started with Michal Richter's diploma thesis Advanced Czech Spellchecker, but it is being developed further. There are two versions: a command line utility (tested on Linux, Windows and OS X) and a REST service with publicly available API and HTML front end