This study examines when mandatory clerical celibacy was instituted in the Czech lands. At first it was only demanded of candidates to become bishops while other priests regularly had wives and children up to the 12th century. The Papal Curia first intervened in favour of celibacy in 1143 through a mission by Cardinal Guido when married clerics were removed from their posts. Another came with Cardinal Peter in 1197 when he (unsuccessfully) demanded that those being ordained also take a vow of purity. Celibacy was then enforced after the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215.
Diser Vortrag widmet sich den gegenseitigen Kulturverhältnissen zwischen einer tschechischen literarischen Organisation (Literární odbor Umělecké besedy) und ausländischen Literaturverbänden, aber auch einzelnen Dichtern, Schriftstellern und Literaturkritikern, und zwar zwischen den Jahren 1863 und 1913. In dieser Zeit hat diese Organisation verschiede Vorträge, Diskussionsbegegnungen und Lesungen der Übersetzungen eigener Mitglieder veranstaltet.
The study strives to complexly understand the tools the mining community used to represent itself within the society of Kutná Hora. The miners were not among the wealthy nor those that were exposed in society, although their corporation was well respected and its representations were visible in various contexts of municipal life. The esteem in which the mining community was held balanced the insignificant position of the miners themselves within the entire community. This also created a demand for power that the miners did not hesitate to use beginning at the end of the 15th century. Thanks to its skilful communication and reasoning of its importance, the mining community was able to force its will and influence political decisions.