We suggest and use a test for evaluation of the accuracy of the harmonic coefficients in the Earth gravity field models (EMs), in which just the harmonics of the order mmin ≤ mm ≤ mmax and degree m ≤ 1 ≤ 1max are selected from the whole EMs. These parts will be called "frequency window(s)" (FWs). We treat the FWs of various recent EMs. One FW has been constructed solely from the resonant results for 12 ≤ m ≤ 15; we call it RFW. This RFW is used as a standard, sometimes independent, for comparing and testing other FWs. By means of the FWs, radius-vectors of the relevant parts of gecid are determined and compared to those of RFW. We intend to evaluate the differences between the EMs and to distinguish the models, FWs differ significantly from the RWF. and Celý článek bude publikován v Bull. Astron. Instit., sv..1985
Berlin critic Leo Berg (1862-1908), once linked with Naturalism, later on highly influenced by Nietzsche, publishes four articles in the Viennese magazine Die Zeit (1895 and 1899). In letters to the Viennese critic Moriz Necker he reflects his difficulties in gaining stronger foothold in the Viennese press scene. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
V době, kdy snad všechny oblasti lidské činnosti i zájmů mají své ilustrované encyklopedie, si zaslouží připomenout, že dochovaným pravzorem pro ně je Komenského Orbis sensualium pictus, nevelká knížka obsahující všech hlavních věcí na světě, všech výkonů života vymalování a jmenování., Ivo Kraus., and Ilustrace