This article examines the administration of rescue operations to save people from drowning and the distribution of rewards to rescuers in Bohemia during the 1780s and 1790s. Based on documented interrogations and official records, the article looks at the investigatory process, the conditions rescuers had to fulfil in order to apply for a reward from the Bohemian Gubernium, and the role of other actors in this process, such as witnesses and doctors. The study departs from the concept of biopolitics developed by French philosopher Michel Foucault and shows how the state authorities tried to foster mutual solidarity among town dwellers. While Enlightenment thinkers continued to stress the role of "love for human beings" (Menschenliebe), i.e. universal interpersonal solidarity, the elites held the view that the biggest motivation for anyone to save a person from drowning was monetary reward. The aim of the enlighteners, however, was to encourage people to embrace the ideal of "Menschenliebe" and to fully identify with it - hence their emphasis on cases of selfless acts, especially in newspapers and popular literature. Besides that, the article analyses the trend towards the medicalization of society in the Enlightenment period and changes in attitudes to death., Ondřej Hudeček., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Secondary deformations are ground movements occurring in areas of ceased underground mining. These are associated with delayed readjustment of rock mass resulting in subsidence, discontinuous deformations (sinks, cracks, etc.) due to destruction of underground, usually shallow, workings, and elevation of ground surface in response of rock mass to rising groundwater levels following the end of mine water drainage. Comparative analysis of secondary deformations in two former mining areas in the first period after cessation of underground hard coal mining is the subject of this study. We used ERS-1/2 and Envisat satellite radar interferometry data processed with PSInSAR technique and GIS to map vertical (in satellite’s line of sight, LOS) movements of the surface and analyse them in relation to location of coal fields and underground water table rise. In the study, two areas have been compared, the Ostrava city in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and the Wałbrzych Coal Basin in Poland. The results of analyses based on the results of PSInSAR processing between 1995 and 2000 for the Wałbrzych site indicate uplift (up to +12 mm/year) in closed parts of coal fields and subsidence (up to -8 mm/year) in areas of declining mining. Results of PSInSAR analysis over the Ostrava site indicate decaying subsidence after mine closures in the rate of up to -6 mm/year during 1995-2000. Residual subsidence and gentle uplift have been partly identified at surroundings of closed mines in Ostrava from 2003-2010 Envisat data. In Wałbrzych gentle elevation has been determined from 2002 to 2009 in areas previously subsiding. and Blachowski Jan, Jiránková Eva, Lazecký Milan, Kadlečík Pavel, Milczarek Wojciech.
sestavil Čeněk Zíbrt., Obsahuje rejstříky., Částečně souběžný anglický, francouzský, německý, italský, latinský, polský a ruský text, and Vydává III. třída České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění v Praze
The eye nematode Thelazia callipaeda Railliet et Henry, 1910 (Spirurida: Thelaziidae) is a vector-borne zoonotic nematode infecting a range of wild and domestic carnivores as well as humans. It is considered to be a causative agent of emerging and neglected disease and currently invades central part of Europe. Nematodes were collected from the eye of a dog living in Prague, which never travelled outside the Czech Republic. The nematodes were identified based on their morphology and partial sequence of the cox1 gene as T. callipaeda haplotype 1. This finding represents the northernmost record of autochthonous canine thelaziosis in Europe. The insufficient control of imported animals as well as free movement of dogs and wild carnivores within Europe probably facilitates spreading of T. callipaeda throughout the continent. To better understand the spreading of T. callipaeda and to prevent its zoonotic transmissions, information about the risk of this infection in newly invaded countries should be disseminated not only among veterinarians and physicians, but also within the community of pet owners and hunters., Milan Jirků, Roman Kuchta, Elena Gricaj, David Modrý and Kateřina Jirků Pomajbíková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
anglicky napsal František hrabě z Lützowů ; z originálu přeložil Josef Jul. David ; s předmluvou Arnošta Denise a úvodem T.G. Masaryka, Přeloženo z angličtiny, and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
At the beginning of the 20th century the task of reviewing all available literature across different scientific fields was initiated by professor Raýman, the general secretary of the Czech Academy of Emperor Franz Joseph for Science, Literature and Arts (CASLA). The first review for 1901 (in Czech language) appeared in the CASLA Bulletin during 1902. However, later, until the 1914 review, which was partially published in 1916, the reviews only consisted of physics reports. Usually, about five authors wrote the physical review covering different fields. Beginning in 1903, the review was also published as a separate book. The first 10 years of physical reviews referenced about 15 thousands papers from all available global literature., Jan Valenta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek pojednává o českých kandidátech na vědecké Nobelovy ceny do roku 1959. Celkem bylo na tyto ceny nominováno šest českých vědců. Je obecně známo, že jedinou získal za chemii Jaroslav Heyrovský za objev a vývoj polarografie., The article discusses the Czech candidates for the scientific Nobel Prizes till 1959. In the period 1901-1959 six Czech candidates were proposed: E. Votoček and J. Heyrovský for chemistry, J. Heyrovský for physics, and J. Horbaczewski, F. K. Studnička, J. Wolf, K. Šulc and J. Heyrovský for physiology and medicine. Only J. Heyrovský received the Nobel Prize for chemistry (for discovery and development polarographic analytical method) in 1959, 25 years after the first nomination., Jiří Jindra., and Obsahuje bibliografii