This paper introduces a very interesting group of curculionid beetles – weevils of the tribe Cleonini. This tribe includes quite a remarkable large species associated with non-forest habitats, most of which are currently considered endangered. In spite of being very popular among coleopterists, this group of beetles has not been studied in detail within the Czech Republic. and Robert Stejskal, Filip Trnka.
This paper introduces a very interesting group of curculionid beetles–weevils of the tribe Lixini. This tribe includes a quite re-markable large species, most of which are currently considered endangered. They are associated with non-forest habitats and re-quire various kinds of habitat disturbation which ensures their successful survival., Robert Stejskal, Filip Trnka., and 13 barev. fot.
Článek představuje jednu skupinu nosatcovitých brouků – zobonosky čeledí Attelabidae a Rhynchitidae. Těžištěm výskytu těchto brouků jsou tropické oblasti, v ČR žije 29 druhů. Zobonosky jsou typické tvorbou různě utvářených smotků na listech rostlin sloužících k vývoji larev, některé druhy napadají plody, pupeny a větvičky. Většina druhů je vázána na lesní biotopy, dále sady, zahrady nebo louky., This paper introduces a group of curculionid beetles – the Leaf Rolling Weevils of the families Attelabidae and Rhynchitidae. Most species are known from tropical regions, while in the Czech Republic 29 species are recorded. These beetles create various kinds of leaf rolls for their larvae; some species develop in fruits, buds or branches. Most species are associated with forest habitats, but they also live in orchards, gardens and on meadows., and Robert Stejskal, Filip Trnka.