Od objavenia mimobunkovej fetálnej DNA v krvi matky uplynulo už 16 rokov. Avšak až v priebehu posledných 5 rokoch prebieha čoraz viac výskumov za účelom stanovenia jej presnej charakteristiky, koncentrácie a molekulárnej veľkosti, ktoré sa neskôr premietli do jednotlivých testov. Tie sú ale dostupné len v posledných 2 rokoch. Pri aktuálnom trende preferovania neinvazívnych metód prenatálnej diagnostiky a ich posúvania do obdobia prvého trimestra sa stanovenie mimobunkovej fetálnej DNA v krvi matky ukazuje ako veľmi perspektívnou metódou diagnostiky chromozómových aberácií u plodov. Jej širšie uplatnenie je limitované malým počtom štúdií na nerizikových skupinách pacientok a v nemalej miere aj ekonomickou náročnosťou vyšetrenia. Aj napriek tomu sa však táto metóda čoraz viac rozširuje zo Spojených Štátov Amerických do celého sveta, čo znižuje náklady na ňu, a stáva sa dostupnejšou pre čoraz väčší počet pacientok. Ukazuje sa, že táto metóda by v rámci podrobnejšieho vyšetrovania u rizikových pacientok mohla perspektívne minimalizovať riziko fetálnych strát, ktoré sú závažnou komplikáciou invazívnych metód prenatálnej diagnostiky., It has been 16 years since there has been a discovery of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) in mother‘s blood. However in the last 5 years there has been more researching done in the purpose of its specific diagnosis, concentration and molecular size, which have later on reflected into particular tests. These have been available only in the past 2 years. Within the actual trend in preference of non-invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis and its shifting into first trimester the examination of mother’s blood has been showing as a very perspective method for early cell-free fetal DNA discovering of chromosome aberration diagnosis of fetus. Its wider enforcement is unfortunatelly limited by a small amount of studies within non-risk pregnancy groups of patients as well as its higher financial cost. Despite of this information this method is extending further more from United States of America into whole world which lowers its costs and its becoming more accesible for a wider amount of patients. Within detailed researching in a group of risk pregnancy patients this method could perspectively minimize a risk of fetus loss which is main complication of invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis., Rastislav Sysák, Peter Štencl, Barbora Izrael Vlková, Katarína Greksová, Viera Oroszová, Marcel Hrebenár, and Literatura
There is no separate course in the medical curriculum summarizing all aspects of human reproduction in most medical school curricula. At the same time, such a course would logically connect knowledge from clinical embryology and assisted reproduction, encompassing the issue of female and male infertility, mechanisms of birth defect formation, their prenatal diagnosis and subsequent specialized neonatal care. The aim of a wide team of university teachers comprising embryologists, gynecologists, neonatologists, endocrinologists, geneticists and others was to create and implement a new course entitled "Clinical Embryology and Reproductive Medicine" into the fourth-year curriculum of the study program General Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. There has been a great interest in the course, as evidenced by the number of medical students enrolled. The lecture syllabuses have been divided into several thematic areas: 1) Clinical embryology including a laboratory part of assisted reproduction, 2) Cause and treatment options of female and male infertility, 3) A comprehensive view of the issue of birth defects, 4) The issue of preconception education, prenatal and childbirth training, family planning, 5) Reproductive immunology and endocrinology. Despite the complexity of human reproduction being a mainstay of gynecology and obstetrics, it is underemphasized in the medical school curricula worldwide. It is often reflected in shorter hospital / practical trainings during undergraduate studies and lower requirements at the final exam. Therefore, as students almost unanimously valued, this new course is extremely helpful in preparing for the final state exam.