Larvae and pupae of the obligatorily myrmecophilous Phengaris (Maculinea) arion were found for the first time in nests of Myrmica rugulosa, M. hellenica and M. schencki at a site in eastern Poland. M. sabuleti, commonly considered as a major host of the butterfly and whose abundance is vital for the survival of P. arion populations, was shown to be very rare and not used. Estimated mean density of Myrmica nests was very low, which suggests that relatively vast areas are necessary to support a viable population of P. arion in similar sandy habitats. This may explain the decline and rarity of the butterfly in the whole region, even though its relationships with ants seem not to be very specific there.
Host-ant specificity of Maculinea alcon, an endangered obligatory myrmecophilous lycaenid butterfly, was studied at two sites in southern Poland (Świętokrzyskie Mts near Kielce). M. alcon larvae and pupae were found in nests of both Myrmica vandeli and M. scabrinodis, which is the typical host in Poland and Southern Europe. To our knowledge this is the first record of M. vandeli as a host of M. alcon. Our results show that M. scabrinodis and M. vandeli are about equally suitable as hosts. We hypothesize that both host ant species are closely related and have similar chemical profiles, and that the M. alcon "scabrinodis-vandeli" populations we studied belong to the M. alcon "scabrinodis" race. More than half of the M. alcon pupae, both from M. vandeli and M. scabrinodis nests, were parasitized by a single wasp species of the genus Ichneumon, which also suggests that the cuticular chemistry of the two ant species is similar.