Předmětem studie je antropologie těla jako samostatné antropologické oblasti. Autoři rozlišili organickou a kulturní dimenzi lidského těla. Antropologie zkoumá tělo na třech strukturálních úrovních, které odpovídají třem hlavním typům kulturních prvků: artefakty, normy a významy. Vymezené úrovně lze s ohledem na antropologii těla uchopit prostřednictvím procesů úpravy, disciplinace a semiotizace těla., The object of the paper is anthropology of the body as a branch of anthropology as such. The authors distinguish between or- ganic and cultural dimension of the human body. Anthropology examines the body on three structural levels, which correspond to the three main types of cultural elements: artifacts, norms and meanings. Concerning the framework of anthropology of the body, the defi ned levels can be studied by means of modifi cation, disciplination and semiotization processes., Martin Soukup, Michaela Balcerová, and Literatura
The study focuses on theoretical analysis of selected controversies on social and cultural anthropology with a special attention to the
habitual practice in the
organization of field research In his study, the author relies on selected ethnological concepts and submits a thesis that intraspecific competition and territorial and predatory behaviour of researchers can become a source of controversies within the discipline. In the conclusion, the author compares anthropologists and ethnologists to headhunters who - at the “initiative ritual” of field research - acquire the reputation of those by whom they carried out ihe field research.