This study concerns glazed objects from two major centres in Silesia: Wrocław and Opole. All the glazed items from layers dated from the late 10th to the first half of the 13th century are appraised, i.e. ceramic and stone Easter eggs, knobbed rattles, ‘stars’ and pottery. Each category of artefacts is appraised separately as they differ from each other in terms of the production technique and presumably their provenance. Therefore, the locations of the workshops that produced these items is considered. Based on the collections from Wrocław and Opole, a different frequency of individual glazed items is observed, which is related to their specific distribution and most likely the different role of both centres. A separate issue is determining the value and social function of the glazed vessels, Easter eggs and rattles. In contrast, less emphasis is placed on their symbolic function, as this issue has been widely discussed by other researchers.
The study focuses on the early medieval large glass beads from the area of Poland, i.e. specimens whose diameter equals at least 1.5 cm but usually ca. 2 cm or more. The main aim of this study is to define their function, considering precise context of discovery of particular specimens, metric data and microscopic analyses. Another important task of the study is to determine whether large beads were local products or imports, and from which region and in what social circumstances they reached the studied area. Alongside macroscopic and stylistic features, chemical composition of glass that was used for production of the beads can be conclusive in this situation. In our opinion, it is a special category of finds that appeared in this part of Europe during the time of cultural and political transformation in the 11th–13th centuries. and Předmětem studie jsou polské nálezy raně středověkých velkých skleněných korálů, tj. exemplářů, jejichž průměr činí nejméně 1,5 cm, ale obvykle kolem 2 cm či více. Hlavním cílem je přispět k objasnění jejich funkce na základě nálezového kontextu, metriky a výsledků mikroskopické analýzy. Neméně důležité jsou otázky, zda se jedná o místní produkci či o importy, jaká je jejich geografická distribuce a sociální charakteristika prostředí, ve kterém byly nalezeny. Kromě makroskopicky patrných a morfologických znaků autorky hodnotí též chemické složení korálů. Docházejí k závěru, že velké korály reprezentují samostatnou kategorii nálezů a jejich výskyt odráží kulturní a politické proměny středoevropské společnosti v 11.–13. století.