This essay is thinking about the sense and the reasons of Czech supremacy over Poland, which the chronicler Cosmas attributed to Vratislav II. (1061–1092). It is said that Vratislav boasted about the title "King of Bohemia and Poland" since 1085.
Bohemian prince and first king Vratislav II († 1092) encouraged the building of an exemptchapter dome, dedicated to St. Peter and Paul opposite to Prague castle. It was situated near the second important dwelling of the dynasty, the Přemyslid castle of Vyšehrad on the left shore of Vltava river. In the first years of the chapter's existence, under the rule of Vratislav II and Soběslav I (1125–1140), there were four phases of associated privilege making. The study emphases on those charters that contain the chapter's justification and some references to alleged privileges of the founder Vratislav II and pope Alexander II. The same accounts for the charter's placement in the memoria of the chapter.