Level of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is elevated and endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and stem cells (SC) are decreased in patients undergoing renal transplantation (Tx) and may contribute to cardiovascular complications. We tested the hypothesis that ADMA, EPC and SC can be influenced with regular physical exercise early after Tx. Blood samples of ADMA, EPC, SC, adipocytokines and metabolic parameters were randomly obtained from 50 transplant patients before and 6 months after exercise program (Group I). Fifty age, sex HLA typing, duration of dialysis and immunosupression regimen-matched non exercising transplant were examined as controls (Group II). After 6 months, in Group I ADMA decreased (3.50±0.45 vs 2.11±0.35 μmol/l, P<0.01) and was lower comparing to Grou II (P<0.01), SC and EPC also decreased (2816±600 vs 2071±480 cells/ml resp. 194±87 to 125±67 cells/ml, P<0.02). Next changes in Group I: adiponectin (P<0.01), leptin (P<0.01), resistin (P<0.02). Visfatin, blood lipids, HbA1c, insulin and blood pressure were also influenced by training program (P<0.05)., V. Teplan, I. Králová Lesná, J. Piťha, A. Mahrová, J. Racek, I. Valkovský, A. Sekerková, M. Štollová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The incidence of diabetes mellitus is rising worldwide. The aim of this prospective epidemiological study was to compare the effects of natural and surgical menopause on parameters of glucose metabolism. In a group of 587 repeatedly examined women, with a baseline age of 45-55 years, the following subgroups of women were separated: those after bilateral oophorectomy (BO, n=37) and those in natural menopause (NAT, n=380) including women menopausal already at baseline (POST, n=89). The study parameters including glycemia, insulinemia, HOMA-IR and betacell function using HOMA-β were determined at baseline and 6 years later. Over the study period, there was a marked rise in prediabetic and diabetic values of fasting glycemia; the percentage of women with diabetic values increased in the NAT (from 0.8 % to 3.9 %) and POST (from 2.2 % to 9.0 %) subgroups, with the highest prevalence in the BO subgroup (from 8.1 % to 10.8 %). While, among women with non-diabetic fasting glycemia, an increase in fasting glycemia was observed in all study subgroups, it was more marked in the BO subgroup than in the NAT and POST ones (p=0.02 both). This difference between NAT and BO was also found in the long-term trend of development of glycemia in non-diabetic women (p=0.014). Compared with natural menopause, bilateral oophorectomy may have an adverse effect on glucose metabolism., M. Lejsková, J. Piťha, S. Adámková, O. Auzký, T. Adámek, E. Babková, V. Lánská, Š. Alušík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Význam zvýšené koncentrace C-reaktivního proteinu (CRP) měřeném vysoce senzitivní metodou v oblasti nízkých (normálních) koncentrací je znám už 10 let. Zvýšená koncentrace hsCRP ale souvisí s většinou klasických rizikových faktorů kardiovaskulárních nemocí. To značně komplikuje interpretaci zvýšených koncentrací. Koncentrace hsCRP jsou částečně geneticky determinovány a lze je pozitivně ovlivnit změnou životního stylu. Tyto dva důvody vedou k závěru, že k rutinnímu odhadu individuálního rizika komplikací aterosklerózy nelze zatím stanovení hsCRP běžně doporučit., Rudolf Poledne, Z. Valenta, J. Piťha, and Lit. 24
Apolipoprotein A-V plays an important role in the determination of plasma triglyceride (TG) concentration. We aimed to determine whether polymorphisms -1131T>C (rs662799) and 56C>G (rs3135506) of the APOA5 gene have an impact on the course of postprandial lipemia induced by a fat load and a fat load with added glucose. Thirty healthy male volunteers, seven heterozygous for the -1131C variant and three for the 56G variant (HT) carriers, and 20 wild-type (WT) carriers underwent two 8-hour tests of postprandial lipemia – one after an experimental breakfast consisting of 75 g of fat and second after a breakfast consisting of 75 g of fat and 25 g of glucose. HT carriers had a higher postprandial response after fat load than WT carriers (AUC TG: 14.01±4.27 vs. 9.84±3.32 mmol*h/l,
respectively, p=0.016). Glucose added to the test meal suppressed such a difference. Heterozygous carriers of the variants of APOA5 (-1131C and 56G) display more pronounced postprandial lipemia after pure fat load than WT carriers. This statistically significant difference disappears when glucose is added to a fat load, suggesting that meal composition modulates the effect of these polymorphisms on the magnitude of postprandial lipemia.
ABCG5 and ABCG8 transporters play an important role in the absorption and excretion of sterols. Missence polymorphisms (Gln604Glu in the ABCG5 and Asp19His, Tyr54Cys, Thr400Lys, and Ala632Val in the ABCG8) in these genes have been described. In 131 males and 154 females whose dietary composition markedly changed and lipid parameters decreased over an 8-year follow-up study (total cholesterol decreased from 6.21±1.31 mmol/l in 1988 to 5.43±1.06 mmol/l in 1996), these polymorphisms were investigated using PCR. Plasma lipid levels and changes in plasma lipid levels were independent of the Gln604Glu polymorphism in ABCG5 and Asp19His and the Ala632Val polymorphisms in ABCG8. The Tyr54Cys polymorphism influenced the degree of reduction in total plasma cholesterol (D –0.49 mmol/l in Tyr54 homozygotes vs. D +0.12 mmol/l in Cys54 homozygotes, p<0.04) and LDL-cholesterol (D –0.57 mmol/l in Tyr54 homozygotes vs. D +0.04 mmol/l in Cys54 homozygotes, p<0.03) levels between 1988 and 1996 in females, but not in males. Male Thr400 homozygotes exhibited a greater decrease in total cholesterol (D –0.90 mmol/l vs. D –0.30 mmol/l, p<0.02) and LDL-cholesterol (D –0.62 mmol/l vs. D –0.19 mmol/l, p<0.04) than Lys400 carriers. No such association was observed in females. We conclude that Tyr54Cys and Thr400Lys variations in the ABCG8 gene may play a role in the genetic determination of plasma cholesterol levels and could possibly influence the gender-specific response of plasma cholesterol levels after dietary changes. These polymorphisms are of potential interest as genetic variants that may influence the lipid profile.
Preclinical atherosclerosis may represent a risk factor for venous thromboembolism (VTE). In longitudinal study we followed longitudinally 96 patients (32 men) with thrombophilias with (n=51) and without (n=45) history of VTE. In both groups we studied the changes of preclinical atherosclerosis at peripherally located arteries detected by ultrasound. In addition, we assessed changes in selected risk factors of atherosclerosis. During the mean follow-up of 56.0±7.62 months we did not find significant change in preclinical atherosclerosis defined as Belcaro score in either group (-3 % in the VTE group vs 0 % in non VTE group). Significant increase in body mass index (1.03±1.98 kg*m-2, resp. 1.21±1.67 kg*m-2, p<0.01) and non-significant increase in systolic blood pressure were detected in both groups. Waist circumference increased significantly only in patients without VTE (4.11±7.84 cm, p<0.05). No differences in changes of risk factors under study between both groups were detected. In summary, patients with thrombophilia and history of VTE showed no evidence of greater progression of atherosclerosis or increase in traditional risk factors of atherosclerosis than patients with thrombophilia without history of VTE. Unfavorable changes of body mass index, waist circumference and systolic blood pressure were detected in both groups during study period., O. Auzký, R. Dembovská, J. Mrázková, Š. Nováková, L. Pagáčová, J. Piťha., and Obsahuje bibliografii