Presented article puts mind to the thinking of Raymond Aron (1905–1983). Author is focused on Aron's complexive method by joining sociology, history or philosophy of history for describing international relations in four decades of Cold War how it developped from 40's to 80's of 20th century. Aron's analyses are calling by himself as "history of presence". He described international political strategy from realistic theory of international relations. Aron studied the principles of cold war, relations between USA and USSR, nuclear armament, balance of power in bi-polar international relations, power strategic analysis and belligerent peace. He analysed international relations when the world-powers don't attack straightly and prefer conflicts in regions (sub-systems).
Author in the text presents the diskurs of "Revolting thinking" of the Sixties. This diskurs is based on specific western intelectual environ. Left western intelectuals, inspired by marxism, created new methodological concepts in describing modern west society as existencialism, structuralism, Frankfurt school, engaged sociology or conflict theory. These trends inspired during the time of sixties in 20th century mostly the students, who participated in various demonstrations against the west capitalist regimes and against consumerism.