Wetland vegetation in the sub(alpine) zone of the West Carpathians (Poland, Slovakia) was studied with particular reference to the following questions: (i) What are the main types of (sub)alpine fen, bog and spring vegetation above the timberline in the West Carpathians? (ii) Which major environmental gradients are associated with the variation in floristic composition? (iii) What determines the α-diversity of bryophytes and vascular plants in the different vegetation types? Vegetation plots were sampled and direct measurements of certain environmental characteristics recorded. Cluster analysis was used to distinguish the vegetation types, DCA and CCA to reveal the main vegetation gradients and environmental factors, and general regression models to identify the factors determining the α-diversity. Classification at the level of 12 clusters was ecologically and syntaxonomically interpretable. Two associations not mentioned in the most recent vegetation survey of Slovakia were distinguished and the syntaxonomical positions of others revised. The synthesis of collected and published vegetation data for the two countries has modified the classification concept of (sub)alpine wetlands in the West Carpathians. Whereas pH predominantly determined floristic differences among classes, different factors governed the species composition within classes. While the diversity of the vegetation of springs (Montio-Cardaminetea) was mostly determined by water chemistry, altitude and geomorphology appeared to be more important within fens and bogs. The species richness of spring vegetation was more influenced by mineral richness than water pH and for bryophyte richness the slope inclination was also important. The species richness of fens and bogs increased with pH. It is concluded that the ecological gradients influencing the floristic composition and species richness of (sub)alpine wetlands are strongly habitat-dependent.
Ze Šumavy je dnes známo 465 druhů mechorostů – více než polovina všech druhů ČR, což je vysoké procento, zejména s ohledem na nepřítomnost stanovišť vhodných pro tři velké skupiny mechorostů – teplomilné, vysokohorské a bazifilní. Za touto druhovou bohatostí stojí především vysoká koncentrace rašelinných a podmáčených biotopů, kde mechorosty často tvoří dominantní formu života. S mnoha druhy se však na Šumavě setkáme i uprostřed lesa, na borce stromů, na kamenech ve vodě, podél cest, na zdech, střechách a dalších místech. and At present, 465 moss species are known from the Šumava region, which represents more than one half of all species growing in the Czech Republic. This is a high percentage, considering that there are no appropriate habitats for three large groups of mosses – thermophilic, high-mountain and basiphilic species. It is mainly the high number of peat bogs and waterlogged biotopes, where mosses frequently represent a dominant life form, which is the reason behind the great species richness. Many species can also be found inside forest stands, on tree bark, trunks in water, along roads, on walls, roofs and in other places.