Assessment of soil water repellency (SWR) was conducted in the decomposed organic floor layer (duff) and
in the mineral soil layer of two Mediterranean pine forests, one in Italy and the other in Spain, by the widely-used water
drop penetration time (WDPT) test and alternative indices derived from infiltration experiments carried out by the
minidisk infiltrometer (MDI). In particular, the repellency index (RI) was calculated as the adjusted ratio between
ethanol and water soil sorptivities whereas the water repellency cessation time (WRCT) and the specifically proposed
modified repellency index (RIm) were derived from the hydrophobic and wettable stages of a single water infiltration
experiment. Time evolution of SWR and vegetation cover influence was also investigated at the Italian site. All indices
unanimously detected severe SWR conditions in the duff of the pine forests. The mineral subsoils in the two forests
showed different wettability and the clay-loam subsoil at Ciavolo forest was hydrophobic even if characterized by organic
matter (OM) content similar to the wettable soil of an adjacent glade. It was therefore assumed that the composition
rather than the total amount of OM influenced SWR. The hydraulic conductivity of the duff differed by a factor of 3.8–
5.8 between the two forested sites thus influencing the vertical extent of SWR. Indeed, the mineral subsoil of Javea
showed wettable or weak hydrophobic conditions probably because leaching of hydrophobic compounds was slowed or
prevented at all. Estimations of SWR according to the different indices were in general agreement even if some discrepancies
were observed. In particular, at low hydrophobicity levels the SWR indices gathered from the MDI tests were able
to signal sub-critical SWR conditions that were not detected by the traditional WDPT index. The WRCT and modified
repellency index RIm yielded SWR estimates in reasonable agreement with those obtained with the more cumbersome RI
test and, therefore, can be proposed as alternative procedures for SWR assessment.
The heterogeneity of water flow and solute transport was assessed during radioactive tracer infiltration experiment in a black clay loam soil using modified methods to estimate the effective cross section (ECS) and the degree of preferential flow (DPF). The results of field and numerical experiments showed that these parameters characterized the heterogeneity of water flow in the soils unequivocally. The ECS decreases non-linearly and the DPF increases linearly with an increase of the bypassing ratio (ratio of macropore flow rate to total flow rate). The ECS decreased and the DPF increased with depth, which suggests an increase in the heterogeneity of water flow with depth. The plot of the DPF against ECS values calculated from the tracer experiment data was consistent with the relationship obtained by the numerical simulation assuming preferential flow in the neighbourhood of three probes.
The aim of this study was to evaluate an efficiency of clay minerals (kaolinite, illite, Na- and Ca-montmorillonite) in alleviating the water repellency of stearic acid sand during the course of long-term hot and dry spell. This spell was simulated by prolonged drying (incubation) of the samples in oven at 50°C. It was found that the kaolinite addition resulted in a drop in the persistence of water repellency of the stearic acid sand. On the contrary, the Ca-montmorillonite addition increased markedly the persistence of water repellency of the stearic acid sand. In most cases, the illite addition resulted in an increase in the persistence of water repellency, even though not so markedly as it was in the case of Ca-montmorillonite addition. In the case of Na-montmorillonite addition, the striking drop in the persistence of water repellency of the stearic acid sand was registered only after lowering the moisture below 5 %. An increase in the persistence of water repellency of the sand-clay mixture with an increase in the clay amount is another interesting finding, observed in case of kaolinite and Ca-montmorillonite. and Cieľom tejto štúdie bolo zhodnotenie efektívnosti ílových minerálov (kaolinitu, illitu, Na- a Camontmorillonitu) pri znižovaní stálosti vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou počas dlhého suchého a teplého obdobia, simulovaného inkubáciou vzoriek pri teplote 50 °C. Zistili sme, že pridanie kaolinitu výrazne znížilo stálosť vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou prakticky počas celého cyklu sušenia. Pridanie Ca-montmorillonitu naopak stálosť vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou výrazne zvýšilo. Pridanie illitu vo väčšine prípadov zvýšilo stálosť vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou, aj keď nie tak výrazne ako pridanie Ca-montmorillonitu. V prípade pridania Na-montmorillonitu sme výrazné zníženie vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou zaznamenali až po poklese vlhkosti vzorky pod 5 %. Ďalším zaujímavým poznatkom je vzrast vodoodpudivosti so zvyšujúcim se obsahom ílu, ktorý sme zaregistrovali v prípade kaolinitu a Ca-montmorillonitu.
Microplastics (particles of plastics <5 mm) affect the physical, biological and hydrological properties of agricultural soil, as well as crop growth. We investigated the effect of the addition of three microplastics (high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and polystyrene (PS)) at a concentration of 5% (w/w) to a silty loam soil on selected soil properties and growth of radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus). Changes in the soil properties and radish growth in three microplastic treatments were compared with the control. Soil properties (bulk density, hydraulic conductivity, sorptivity, water repellency) were estimated for each treatment at the beginning and at the end of the radish growing period (GP). The bulk density was significantly lower in the HDPE and PVC treatments compared to the control within the measurement at the beginning of the GP and in all microplastic treatments compared to the control at the end of the GP. The values of hydraulic conductivity and water sorptivity did not show significant differences between any treatments within the measurement at the beginning of GP, but they were significantly higher in the HDPE treatment compared to the control at the end of the GP. The growth of radish was characterized by the plant biomass and effective quantum yield of Photosystem II (Y (II)). We did not find a statistically significant difference in the total biomass of radish between any of the experimental treatments, maybe due to used concentration of microplastics. The mean value of Y (II) was significantly higher in all microplastic treatments compared to control only within the last measurement at the end of the GP. A statistically significant change of Y(II) in all microplastic treatments may indicate functional shift in soil properties; however, the measured values of the soil characteristics have not shown the significant changes (except for the bulk density values in all microplastic treatments and hydraulic conductivity together with sorptivity in HDPE treatment within the measurement at the end of GP).
This study tested the hypothesis that the changes in hydrophysical parameters and heterogeneity of water flow in an aeolian sandy soil have the same trend as the process of succession. Three sub-sites were demarcated at the area of about 50 m x 50 m. The first sub-site was located at the pine-forest glade covered with a biological soil crust and represented the initial stage of succession. The second sub-site was located at the grassland and represented more advanced stage of succession. The third sub-site was located at the pine forest with 30-year old Scots pines and represented advanced stage (close to climax) of succession. The sandy soil at the surface was compared to the soil at the pine-forest glade at 50 cm depth, which served as a control because it had a similar texture but limited impact of vegetation or organic matter. It was found that any type of vegetation cover studied had a strong influence on hydrophysical parameters and heterogeneity of water flow in an aeolian sandy soil during hot and dry spells. The changes in some hydrophysical parameters (WDPT, R, k(-2 cm), Sw(-2 cm), ECS and DPF) and heterogeneity of water flow in an aeolian sandy soil had the same trend as the process of succession, but it was not so in the case of Ks and Se(-2 cm), probably due to the higher content of smaller soil particles in grassland soil in comparison with that content at other sub-sites. Both the persistence and index of water repellency of pure sand differed significantly from those of grassland, glade and forest soils. The highest repellency parameter values in forest soil resulted in the lowest value of both the water sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity in this soil in comparison with other soils studied. The highest value of ethanol sorptivity and the lowest value of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the grassland soil in comparison with other soils studied were due to the higher content of fine-grained (silt and clay) particles in the grassland soil. The effective cross section and the degree of preferential flow of pure sand differed significantly from those of grassland, glade and forest soils. The change in soil hydrophysical parameters due to soil water repellency resulted in preferential flow in the grassland, glade and forest soils, while the wetting front in pure sand area exhibited a form typical of that for stable flow. The latter shape of the wetting front can be expected in the studied soils in spring, when soil water repellency is alleviated substantially., The columnar shape of the wetting front, which can be met during heavy rains following long dry and hot spells, was attributed to redistribution of applied water on the surface to a series of micro-catchments, which acted as runon and runoff zones., V príspevku sa testovala hypotéza, že zmeny hydrofyzikálnych parametrov a heterogenita prúdenia vody v piesočnatej pôde majú rovnaký trend ako proces sukcesie. Na ploche asi 50 m x 50 m sa vytýčili tri parcely. Prvá parcela sa nachádzala na čistine pokrytej biologickým pôdnym pokryvom a reprezentovala počiatočné štádium sukcesie. Druhá parcela sa nachádzala na zatrávnenej ploche a reprezentovala rozvinutejšie štádium sukcesie. Tretia parcela sa nachádzala v borovicovom lese a reprezentovala rozvinuté štádium sukcesie (blízke ku klimaxovej vegetácii). Piesočnatá pôda na povrchu parciel sa porovnávala s pôdou z čistiny v hĺbke 50 cm, ktorá slúžila ako kontrola, pretože mala skoro rovnakú textúru, avšak veľmi malý vplyv vegetácie alebo organickej hmoty. Zistili sme, že akýkoľvek typ študovaného vegetačného pokryvu mal veľký vplyv na hydrofyzikálne parametre a heterogenitu prúdenia vody v piesočnatej pôde počas horúcich a suchých období. Zmeny niektorých hydrofyzikálnych parametrov (WDPT, R, k(-2 cm), Sw(-2 cm), ECS a DPF) a heterogenity prúdenia vody v piesočnatej pôde mali rovnaký trend ako proces sukcesie, neplatilo to však v prípade Ks a Se(-2 cm), pravdepodobne v dôsledku vyššieho obsahu malých pôdnych častíc v pôde s trávnatým pokryvom v porovnaní s inými parcelami. Stálosť aj index vodoodpudivosti čistého piesku sa štatisticky významne líšili od hodnôt týchto parametrov v pôde pod trávou, biologickým pôdnym pokryvom a borovicami. Najvyššie hodnoty parametrov vodoodpudivosti v tráve pod borovicami mali za následok najnižšie hodnoty sorptivity pre vodu a hydraulickej vodivosti v tejto pôde v porovnaní s ostatnými študovanými pôdami. Najvyššie hodnoty sorptivity pre etanol a najnižšie hodnoty nasýtenej hydraulickej vodivosti v pôde pod trávou v porovnaní s inými pôdami boli pravdepodobne spôsobené vyšším obsahom malých pôdnych častíc v tejto pôde. Efektívny prierez (ECS) a stupeň preferovaného prúdenia (DPF) čistého piesku sa štatisticky významne líšili od hodnôt týchto parametrov v pôde pod trávou, biologickým pôdnym pokryvom a borovicami. Zmeny hydrofyzikálnych parametrov pôdy v dôsledku jej vodoodpudivosti mala za následok preferované prúdenie v pôde pod trávou, biologickým pôdnym pokryvom a borovicami, zatiaľ čo čelo omáčania v čistom piesku malo tvar typický pre stabilné prúdenie. Takýto tvar čela omáčania možno vo všetkých študovaných pôdach očakávať na jar, keď je vodoodpudivosť pôdy podstatne znížená v dôsledku jej zvýšenej vlhkosti., and Čelo omáčania v tvare prstov, ktoré možno očakávať počas prívalových dažďov nasledujúcich po dlhých suchých a horúcich obdobiach, možno pričítať redistribúcii vody na povrchu pôdy do viacerých mikropovodí, ktoré sa správali ako vtokové a odtokové oblasti