Chronické zápalové choroby čreva (inflammatory bowel disease – IBD) vyvolávajú v organizme početné extraintestinálne prejavy, a to v dôsledku spoločnej etiopatogenézy, chronického systémového zápalu, častých porúch výživy a liečby. Jedným z prejavov sú i zmeny endokrinného systému. Interakcia je vzájomná, Crohnova choroba a ulcerózna kolitída spôsobujú funkčné a morfologické zmeny endokrinne aktívnych orgánov, na druhej strane endokrinné funkčné poruchy často negatívne zasahujú do priebehu črevnej choroby. V článku rozoberáme súvis IBD s produkciou pohlavných hormónov a fertilitou, súvis s adrenálnou funkciou, funkciou a morfológiou štítnej žľazy, produkciou rastového hormónu a poruchami rastu u detí, a znížením kostnej denzity. Táto téma nie je v mnohých aspektoch dostatočne preskúmaná a vyžaduje ďalšie analýzy a objasnenia. Kľúčové slová: Crohnova choroba – endokrinný systém – ulcerózna kolitída – zápalové choroby čreva, Inflammatory bowel disease is often accompanied by extraintestinal manifestations due to a common autoimmune etiopathogenesis, chronic systemic inflammation, frequent nutrition deficits, and the treatment. Endocrine system changes belong to manifestations too. Interaction is mutual, Crohn´s disease and ulcerative colitis cause functional and morphological changes of endocrine tissues. On the other hand the endocrine disorders negatively influence the course of bowel disease. In the article we analyze correlation of IBD with gonadal hormone production and fertility, with adrenal function, with the function and morphology of the thyroid, with growth hormone production and growth disorders in children, and with bone mineral density reduction. This topic is not studied enough and needs more analysis and clarification. Key words: Crohn´s disease – endocrine system – inflammatory bowel disease – ulcerative colitis, and Jana Kollerová, Tomáš Koller, Tibor Hlavatý, Juraj Payer
According to several studies, women with Crohn's disease (CD) had reduced fertility, which is mostly due to voluntary decisions and reduced ovarian reserve. In our study, we aimed to compare reproductive health parameters (RHP), previous pregnancy complications and outcomes, and ovarian reserve (OR) assessed by the anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in CD patients with healthy controls. In CD patients, we also compared OR according to disease phenotypes. Consecutive pre-menopausal women with CD from two IBD centers were included. The control group consisted of age and BMI-matched healthy controls. We used a questionnaire that included RHP, CD phenotype, and CD activity. Serum AMH was assessed by the Elecsys AMH plus essay. We enrolled 50 patients and 56 controls with a median age of 31 years. All CD patients were in clinical remission. We observed no difference in RHP or AMH (median 2.6 vs. 2.1 ug/l, p = 0.98), or the proportion of low OR (AMH<1,77, 38 vs. 41.1 %, p=0.84). The slope of age-related decrease did not differ between the groups. The subgroup of CD patients after surgery and those older than 30 years with CD for >5years had a steeper decrease in AMH (slope -0.12 vs. -0.29, p = 0.04 and - 0.31 vs. -0.2, p = 0.029). In a multivariate analysis, age was the single independent predictor of low OR (OR=1.25). In women with Crohn’s disease, once the disease activity is under control, the reproductive health and ovarian reserve do not substantially differ from healthy controls., Tomáš Koller, Jana Kollerová, Tibor Hlavatý, Barbora Kadlečková, Juraj Payer., and Obsahuje bibliografii