One of the goals of LINDAT/CLARIN Centre for Language Research Infrastructure is to provide technical background to institutions or researchers who wants to share their tools and data used for research in linguistics or related research fields. The digital repository is built on a highly customised DSpace platform. and LM2010013 - FULLY SUPPORTED BY THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SPORTS AND YOUTH OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC
One of the goals of LINDAT/CLARIN Centre for Language Research Infrastructure is to provide technical background to institutions or researchers who wants to share their tools and data used for research in linguistics or related research fields. The digital repository is built on a highly customised DSpace platform. and LM2010013 - FULLY SUPPORTED BY THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SPORTS AND YOUTH OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC
The January 2018 release of the ParaCrawl is the first version of the corpus. It contains parallel corpora for 11 languages paired with English, crawled from a large number of web sites. The selection of websites is based on CommonCrawl, but ParaCrawl is extracted from a brand new crawl which has much higher coverage of these selected websites than CommonCrawl. Since the data is fairly raw, it is released with two quality metrics that can be used for corpus filtering. An official "clean" version of each corpus uses one of the metrics. For more details and raw data download please visit:
We release a sizeable monolingual Urdu corpus automatically tagged with part-of-speech tags. We extend the work of Jawaid and Bojar (2012) who use three different taggers and then apply a voting scheme to disambiguate among the different choices suggested by each tagger. We run this complex ensemble on a large monolingual corpus and release the both plain and tagged corpora. and it is supported by the MosesCore project sponsored by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (Grant Number 288487).
The item contains models to tune for the WMT16 Tuning shared task for Czech-to-English.
CzEng 1.6pre ( corpus is used for the training of the translation models. The data is tokenized (using Moses tokenizer), lowercased and sentences longer than 60 words and shorter than 4 words are removed before training. Alignment is done using fast_align ( and the standard Moses pipeline is used for training.
Two 5-gram language models are trained using KenLM: one only using the CzEng English data and the other is trained using all available English mono data for WMT except Common Crawl.
Also included are two lexicalized bidirectional reordering models, word based and hierarchical, with msd conditioned on both source and target of processed CzEng.
This item contains models to tune for the WMT16 Tuning shared task for English-to-Czech.
CzEng 1.6pre ( corpus is used for the training of the translation models. The data is tokenized (using Moses tokenizer), lowercased and sentences longer than 60 words and shorter than 4 words are removed before training. Alignment is done using fast_align ( and the standard Moses pipeline is used for training.
Two 5-gram language models are trained using KenLM: one only using the CzEng Czech data and the other is trained using all available Czech mono data for WMT except Common Crawl.
Also included are two lexicalized bidirectional reordering models, word based and hierarchical, with msd conditioned on both source and target of processed CzEng.